By Stew Webb
With all of the activity due between December 28 through March 2014 as Earth enters into a gigantic asteroid and meteor belt and debris field the Government does not want you to know about because they are afraid you might go into panic mold and quite work and then they cannot collect taxes.
Since the Universities are under tight control by the Government and under secrecy agreements as they map out the locations and directions of these space rocks they are not going to be reporting to you anything until after one hits a major city.
As I reported before that the Gov. attached a solar sail to the two large Rocks, Ison and its sister and both were diverted from the earth.
The following website I recommend to keep up to date on the meteor activity weekly and even report if you see a fireball in the sky. Since the Government wants to keep this information from us the American People who pay them to tell us yet they do not.
Please spread this link to everyone you know and post it on your favorite social media so we all can keep tracking this activity ourselves with or without the Governments help or permission.
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