Posted on January 21, 2016 by DCWhispers
This week some two thousand of the world’s most notable economic, political, and media leaders are meeting within the sprawling winter resort sanctuary of Davos, Switzerland. The primary topic on the mouths of those who are attending isn’t Middle East unrest, China’s fiscal challenges, falling oil prices, or even a plummeting U.S. stock market, but rather one Donald J. Trump.
These men and women whose far-reaching influence and wealth depends so much upon a world that runs at their discretion, see Donald Trump as the greatest potential disruption to the current global dynamic they have worked so diligently to maintain.
And they don’t like it – not one bit.
Trump the brash, outspoken, celebrity-styled billionaire was perfectly acceptable to this collection of political, financial and media manipulators.
Trump the President of the United States, the single greatest economic and military power in all the world – not so much.
He (Trump) would be bad on trade.”
That is the sentiment of former House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor, this year an attendee at the World Economic Forum who since being kicked out of Congress by the same anti-Establishment voter sentiment that has propelled Donald Trump’s rise, is now vice chairman at Moelis & Company – a global investment firm with considerable focus on Middle East investment and strong ties to various Muslim governments. Mr. Trump’s vocal opposition to immigration from the Muslim world without enhanced safety measures to ensure that immigration is not being used as a tool by radical Islamic terrorists is said to be a specific point of concern for Mr. Cantor’s firm.
A disaster.”
That is the sentiment of Beth Brooke-Marciniak as told to Bloomberg regarding a Trump administration. Mrs. Marciniak was formerly a Bill Clinton Treasury official and is now a vice chair of public policy at Ernst & Young LLP whose former Chairman was also a member of Barack Obama’s Export Council. She is currently listed as the 98th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.
“It doesn’t matter who the Republicans put up…Hillary will win.”

So goes the view of Martin Sorrell, WPP’s chief executive. WPP is perhaps the single most powerful marketing firm in the world, employing nearly 180,000 across the globe. It has been said that WPP is the most influential public relations entity in Hollywood, and as such, has an enormous influence upon popular culture in America and abroad. WPP is alleged to be a critical component to the largely Middle-East funded Climate Change movement and Sorell himself has long been aligned with the Clintons and Al Gore. He is involved in nearly every high level aspect of global politics and media. If something needs to be done, or a problem to go away, Martin Sorrell is who the rich and powerful turn to, so when he publicly declares Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States, those who hope that NOT to happen would do well to take notice.
Others among the globalists went so far as to promise Donald Trump will be “humiliated” by spring, including Harvard professor, Niall Ferguson. Professor Ferguson is a former 100 most influential people in the world by Time Magazine and was an adviser to John McCain’s presidential campaign in 2008 as well as a vocal supporter of the Romney campaign in 2012.

(Sidenote for longtime readers: WPP + Ferguson = “McCain the Campaign” / WPP + Ferguson = Mitt Romney’s visible collapse after he refused to more aggressively attack Barack Obama over Benghazi in 2012: revisit CNN’s Candy Crowley incident.)
Regarding Trump’s alleged soon-to-be humiliation, Professor Ferguson says he is very much, “…looking forward to it.”
If Donald Trump is to actually go on to win the GOP nomination, he will not only have to defeat a very capable opponent like Ted Cruz and/or Marco Rubio, but successfully navigate the emerging war against him from some among the global elite.
No small task.

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