Victoria Nuland RESIGNS, Glenn Greenwald EVISCERATES Leading Neocon Interview
Marines Arrest Victoria Nuland and Husband
I do not know if the article link below is true or not.
But in the article one thing is true:
It alleges she had overseen and micromanaged U.S. bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine. Moreover, it asserts that Nuland and Kagen were kingpins in the illegal production and distribution of Adrenochrome flowing between the United States and Eastern Europe. If all charges are valid, Nuland also had a role in the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline and, years and years ago, managed Obama’s infamous enemies list.
This above is all true the U.S. bioweapon were made and shipped from K-State University, Manhattan, Kansas to the Ukraine, as a result the Ukraine aka Greater Israel.
Ukraine is in control of the Largest U.S. bioweapon storage in the world all because of the weapons illegally sold to Ukraine. —Stew Webb Saturday March 9 2024
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