Chase City Police Timothy Holtz and Chase City Police Kim Holtz trying to Murder Whistleblower Charlene Renee Treakle Emergency Update Sept 30 2024

Chase City Police Timothy Holtz and Chase City Police Kim Holtz trying to Murder Whistleblower Charlene Renee Treakle Emergency Update Sept 30 2024

Reported to the Virginia State Police as attempted murder

September 10 2024 and September 23,2024

Dear Mr. Denijs,

Virginia State Police



See: Reports below:

Reported To US Congress Judiciary Committee

US Congressman Jim Jordan


Charlene Renee Treakle

Whistleblower Charlene Renee Treakle

Radiation Detector Reading From Inside Charlene’s Renee Trickle’s Home Pointing out the widow aiming detector on Camera devices from Chase City, Virginia Policeman Timothy Holtz and Chase City, Virginia Policewoman (Husband and Wife), Charlene Renee Trickle Neighbor.

Chase City, Virginia Police Officer’s Tim & His Wife Kim Holtz are using thermal cameras directed at me in my home. They have made me sick and have burned my skin.

To Whom It May Concern,

 I have never done illegal drugs or hid a fugitive in my home!

Tim and Kim Holtz have no right to be watching me take showers, use my commode, or sleep in my bed.

 I ran a respectable bakery out of my home for 17 years and I was forced to stop running my business in 2013 when I got sick from the Holtz’s thermal cameras. The radation has caused me to have anemia, off balance and dizzy. I broke my left arm in 2020 from being dizzy and I broke my right arm in 2023 from being off balance and dizzy from what they are doing to me in my home.

  I am the only person in my home and my boyfriend is the only person that visits me.
This abuse has got to stop, the Holtz’s have made me sick and have burned my skin for no reason.

  This is what I found!

A policeman might use a thermal camera on a neighbor if they suspect criminal activity happening within the neighbor’s house, particularly at night or in low-light conditions, where a thermal camera can detect heat signatures indicating movement or presence even when hidden from sight, allowing them to monitor potential illegal activity without directly observing inside the home; however, doing so without a warrant could raise legal concerns regarding privacy violations.

Key points about using thermal cameras on a neighbor:

Visibility in darkness:

Thermal cameras detect heat, so they can see through darkness, making them useful for surveillance in night-time situations where a standard camera wouldn’t work.

Potential criminal activity:

If police have reasonable suspicion of illegal activity like drug cultivation or a hidden fugitive, a thermal camera could be used to monitor for unusual heat patterns inside a home.

Privacy concerns:

Using a thermal camera on a neighbor’s home without a warrant could be considered a violation of privacy as it allows the police to gather information about activities happening inside the house, even if they cannot see details.

Legal requirements:

In most jurisdictions, police need a warrant to use thermal imaging technology to gather information about activities inside a private residence.

 As of now, I cannot live in my home without being burned and getting sick!

I left my clothes, food, furniture and staying with friends because my home is full of constant radiation.

Why would this abuse of an innocent person be allowed for over 19 years?

Being sick for so long has ruined my life, and my little bakery that I loved to run. I made beautiful cakes for the people in my town.

 I am begging you to make the Holtz’s stop so that I can go back home and live in my house once I have it professionaly cleaned so that I won’t get sick again.

have a vision disability and have learned my home in the past 30 years of living there. I need my home to live in.

Even if I can never go back home because of Tim and Kim Holtz, I cannot sell my home knowing that the Holtz’s will hurt another innocent family.

Charlene Renee Treakle

This is attempted murder of me in my home!

Ionizing radiation can cause death in a number of ways, including:

Acute radiation syndrome
Also known as radiation sickness, this can occur when someone is exposed to a high dose of radiation over a short period of time. Symptoms can include nausea and vomiting within hours, and death can occur within days or weeks. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount and type of radiation, how long exposure lasted, and which part of the body was exposed.

Multi-organ failure
When exposed to high doses of radiation, the body’s organs can fail, leading to death. This can include destruction of the blood-forming cells in the red marrow and the basement cells in the lining of the intestinal walls.

Hematopoietic syndrome
This can be a leading cause of death in irradiated patients, especially when combined with other syndromes like gastrointestinal, neurovascular, and dermatological syndromes.

Ionizing radiation is a type of radiation that can damage atoms, which can affect molecules like DNA and cells, organs, and the entire body. It can come from high-energy waves like x-rays and gamma rays, or from nuclear material through particle decay.


June 10 2024


To Whom It May Concern,

 I bought my home in 1994 and in 1997 when my daughter was born, her father and I started putting up a fence all the way around the yard to keep her safe when she was old enough to go outside to play. We found the property line described in my land survey from 1994, we came in six inches on my property from the line to dig holes for our posts and fence panels. My fence was always on my property and well maintained as you can see from pictures attached.

In 2004-2005 Tim and Kim Holtz moved next door and claimed my fence was on their property. They both made this accusation without getting a land survey. In turn, I posted no trespassing signs on my fence. Pictures are provided.

In 2007 I made some repairs to my fence facing the Holtz side. I told the Holtz’s that they could stain or paint the side of my fence that faced their yard. Meaning, there was only 6 inches of my yard that I had given up in order to have a fence, it is the correct way to put up a fence.

In 2008 Tim Holtz told my son’s father that my fence was on his property and he was going to cause problems for me because he thought I had stolen 6 feet of his property.

Tim Holtz did cause problems for me because of what he thought about my fence. Tim Holtz accused me of abusing my children and I had to fight in court to prove they had never been abused or neglected.

In 2012 I needed to repair my fence again. I took down panels that were rotten, but before I could put up my new freshly painted 8’ fence panels. Tim Holtz called the police and said, I had destroyed his property. Tim Holtz threatened me that he would take me to court and make me pay for new fence panels. He said, the court will believe me over you, because I am a cop.

The Chase City police were ready to lock me up based on the lies Tim Holtz told them about my fence!

I showed the police my land survey and showed them where I came in 6” from the property line to plant my fence posts. Proving the fence was mine.

On 8-21-2012, please refer to the provided 911 Call with this statement.  Tim Holtz started nailing a chain link fence to my fence posts before I could put my new, painted fence panels back up on my fence posts.  Finally, the Chase City police and a county deputy told Tim and Kim Holtz to get a land survey.

When the Holtz’s finally got a land survey it proved the fence was mine and it was on my property.

Tim and Kim Holtz destroyed my Bakery business with slander about my mental health. I closed Renee’s Bakery in 2013 due to Tim Holtz constantly making complaints about my mental health, accusing me of saying I was going to kill him, he claimed I was cutting my grass naked, and that I was in my house setting in the dark. Every time he made complaints I was sent for mental health evaluations based on horrific lies that Tim or Kim had told the police. With one complaint Tim made, he was allowed to ride in the back of the police car with his knees in the back of my seat for about 100 miles. When I complained that he was hurting my back, Tim mashed his knees harder into the back of my seat.

After I finished repairing my fence, Tim Holtz then started putting up a fence on his property behind the trees that are on the property line. This meant the property line trees were between 2 fences. The trees would have surely died if I had not taken my fence down.

On 2-22-2014, please refer to the provided 911 Call with this statement. Tim and Kim Holtz trespassed on my property again. They were walking around in my yard looking at my fence, they ignored all the no trespassing signs tacked on my fence that surrounded my yard.

In 2016 I paid a local tree service to cut back a 90’ tree on the property line for fear that it would fall on my home. Tim Holtz threatened the tree service that if any of the tree limbs fell in his yard or on his house, he was going to shoot him and Renee. The tree service owner knocked on my door and told me that my neighbor was sitting on his porch with his gun and said, “he threatened to shoot me and you, if anything fell in his yard or on his house”. The tree service was too afraid of Tim Holtz and his gun to cut the tree.

On 4-14-2017 please refer to the provided 911 Call with this statement. Tim Holtz came up to my back door and looked into my bay window one day while my car was in the shop, but I was at home. The police told me I could take trespassing charges on him that day, but I asked the police to tell him that if he came on my property again I would file trespassing charges.

 I took all of my fence down in 2019 and started planting trees to frame my property and the property line trees were going to live. I maintained the property line trees and grass the best I could. I paid $3000.00 to finally have the 90’ tree cut that was ready to fall on my house and Tim Holtz house. The tree was split, half hanging over his house and half hanging over mine.

In 2018, I got a warrant that was supposed to be for Kim Holtz. Warrant is provided with this written statement. Kim Holtz cheated on her husband, and stalked the man’s wife that she cheated with. The warrant described Tim Holtz and Kim Holtz, but Jay Jordan gave the woman my name instead of Kim Holtz and Jay Jordan gave the woman an address that did not exist, the address was one number off from Kim Holtz’s address. Their address is 433 Huston St.  and the warrant had 432 Huston St.

This false charge against me is still on my record for something Kim Holtz did. The charge was Null-Pross when the victim told the court that It was not me that was chasing her down the road and stalking her, Bernice Russell explained to the court that it was Kim Holtz that committed this crime. Kim Holtz was never charged for what she did to Bernice Russell!

The Holtz’s have got to stay out of my yard because people believe that they have something to do with my property since they are constantly in my yard! I was asked one day at the bank if Tim Holtz was my boyfriend since he was always cutting my grass.

In fact Kim Holtz has been in my yard so much that Bernice Russell thought she lived in my house and Tim Holtz lived next door.

It is imperative that the Holtz’s do not come back in my yard, for any reason!

Pictures provided with that statement prove that my fence that I had up between 1997-2019 was on my property and on the back side of the trees that were planted on the property line by the previous owner.

Tim and Kim Holtz saw the truth as to where the property line was when they finally got their land surveyed, that the fence was mine and on my property. At that point they should have left me alone, but they continued harassing me with lies to the police about my mental health and coming into my yard whenever they felt like it.

On March 16, 2024 Tim Holtz came into my yard and cut trees that are on the property line. I asked him to stop cutting the trees and to leave my yard. Tim Holtz refused even though I have regular No Trespassing signs in my. Tim and Kim Holts refused to stop coming in my yard between March 16, 2024 – May 21, 2024. I decided to add more, No Trespassing signs just for the Holtz’s and I did write No Trespassing “Holtz”, but Tim and Kim Holtz continued to Trespass on my property, after cursing me in my yard, accusing me of having sex with Niggars in my back yard and calling me nasty names.

I then changed my signs just for them to Crazy Cop and Crazy Hoe. Even after I put those extra signs in my yard it did not stop the Holtz’s from coming back into my yard and calling me nasty names. Tim Holtz also repeated what he told Social Service in my son’s custody case. “You threw your son’s toys in the trash and said, he could sleep outside with his toys”. Because of the lies Tim Holtz told caused me to fight in court over both of my children at the cost of $50,000.00 and Tim Holtz’s constant lies to mental health.

This has all been over the property line and Tim, thinking my fence was on his property!

In Tim Holtz’s warrant he claims that I have harassed his family, but he ripped my family apart. Tim Holtz ruined my Bakery business that I ran for 17 years with his lies of me being crazy and abusing my children throughout the town. His warrant claims that I had my fist balled up, but I was holding my phone and taking pictures of him in my yard.

Kim Holtz’s warrant claims she did not cross the property line, but she did and while she was in my yard she held her weed eater above my head and tried to hit me with it while screaming “get out of my fucking face”.

The Holtz’s should have left me and my fence alone because my fence was correct, they actually had 6” on my yard where I came inside my property to put up my fence!

The Holtz’s have not put their fence up correctly. Pictured you will see they are over a foot away from the property line and they believe they can come in my yard to cut grass on the other side.

If the Holtz’s had not destroyed my life then I wouldn’t mind them coming into my yard. The Holtz’s did destroy my life and continue to cause problems for me and my property!

I have changed my new signs to “Posted Treakle” because it is my property and by law I cannot list their name on my property to keep them out of my yard.

The Holtz’s were calling me nasty names and “Karen” they have put a sign in their yard calling me Karen which means a crazy woman.

I have made a windchime out of the No Trespassing signs that read crazy cop and crazy hoe. The signs were temporary and have been corrected to my name to match all my other No Trespassing signs that I have had for many years.

Abusive Language to Another warrant, Tim and Kim Holtz both said abusive things to me when I asked them to leave my yard.

My signs, just like their signs, are our 1st Amendment rights. Not slander.

I ask that the slander and abusive language against another to be dismissed. The Holtz’s came in my yard to coerce and intimidate me after destroying my life. Between 2008 to the present.



Charlene Renee Treakle

441 Hustion St.

Chase city Va. 23924




Charlene Renee Treakle files charges with the Virginia State Police

against Chase City Police Timothy Holtz and Chase City Police Kim Holtz trying to Murder Whistleblower Charlene Renee Treakle.

September 10 2024

Dear Mr. Denijs,

Virginia State Police



I just found this. I have never done drugs for hid a fugitive in my home!

Tim and Kim Holtz have no right to be watching me take showers, use my commode, or sleep in my bed.

I ran a respectable bakery out of my home for 17 years and I was forced to stop running my business in 2013 when I got sick from the Holtz’s thermal cameras. The radation has caused me to have anemia, off balance and dizzy. I broke my left arm in 2020 from being dizzy and I broke my right arm in 2023 from being off balance and dizzy from what they are doing to me in my home.

I am the only person in my home and my boyfriend is the only person that visits me.

This abuse has got to stop, the Holtz’s have made me sick and have burned my skin for no reason.

This is what I found!

A policeman might use a thermal camera on a neighbor if they suspect criminal activity happening within the neighbor’s house, particularly at night or in low-light conditions, where a thermal camera can detect heat signatures indicating movement or presence even when hidden from sight, allowing them to monitor potential illegal activity without directly observing inside the home; however, doing so without a warrant could raise legal concerns regarding privacy violations.


Key points about using thermal cameras on a neighbor:


Visibility in darkness:

Thermal cameras detect heat, so they can see through darkness, making them useful for surveillance in night-time situations where a standard camera wouldn’t work.


Potential criminal activity:

If police have reasonable suspicion of illegal activity like drug cultivation or a hidden fugitive, a thermal camera could be used to monitor for unusual heat patterns inside a home.


Privacy concerns:

Using a thermal camera on a neighbor’s home without a warrant could be considered a violation of privacy as it allows the police to gather information about activities happening inside the house, even if they cannot see details.


Legal requirements:

In most jurisdictions, police need a warrant to use thermal imaging technology to gather information about activities inside a private residence.

As of now, I cannot live in my home without being burned and getting sick!

I left my clothes, food, furniture and staying with friends because my home is full of constant radiation.

Why would this abuse of an innocent person be allowed for over 19 years?

Being sick for so long has ruined my life, and my little bakery that I loved to run. I made beautiful cakes for the people in my town.

I am begging you to make the Holtz’s stop so that I can go back home and live in my house once I have it professionaly cleaned so that I won’t get sick again.

I have a vision disability and have learned my home in the past 30 years of living there. I need my home to live in.

Even if I can never go back home because of Tim and Kim Holtz, I cannot sell my home knowing that the Holtz’s will hurt another innocent family.

Charlene Renee Treakle


September 23 2024

Dear Mr. Denijs,

Virginia State Police



Mr. Denjis,

Tim & Kim Holtz have done this in the past 2 weeks. They put siding on the side of the house that faces my home, they have put up blackout curtins, and one camera on the outside of the house. Not only that they have an electric cord looped around the gable of the house. I had to go home today and saw all these changes. I’m glad I got pictures of their cameras when they were exposed.

I’ve done more research and have found out that police have been using X-Ray cameras for some things. I don’t know what he is using, but I have been dizzy, off balance, my skin is being burned in my home, vomiting, severe headaches, blurred vision, body aches, and severe anemia.

I need your help, I have a vision disability and I need to be able to live in my home!

The Holtz’s have told people they were going to run me out of my home and now they have.

Attached is new pictures of the changes to there house. Please take notice that his one camera is directed straight at my home! This is not a normal security camera for his yard, this camera is directed straight at my home.

By The Way, today when I went into my home for less than 15 minutes. I got a severe headach, dizzy and needed to vomit.

There is no water there, I had the town to turn it off. I have flipped the main breaker in the breaker box so, there is no power and I do not have gas hooked up to my home. Nothing should have made me sick in only 15 minutes, but it did.

I’m begging you to make the Holtz stop what they are doing to me.

Charlene Renee Treakle

Stew Webb, I sent this to the Virginia State Police today. Please read that.

Range-R radar allows police to ‘see’ through walls and inside homes

??? is he using that? If so, I want to file charges against him

Also, after being in my home for less than 15 minutes yesterday. I was dizzy, my eyes were burning, and I felt like I was going to vomit.

X-Ray cameras with motion detectors.. That is what I believe they are using

Thanks, Charlene Renee Treakle

Sept. 23, 2024 I believe that is what Tim & Kim Holtz have used to burn my skin,
cause dizziness, nausea, severe anemia, and horrific pain in my head, eyes, and
Thanks, Charlene Renee Treakle

Please take a look at this:


How far that a FLIR camera can see?

2023-09-09 3167 0

The range of a FLIR (Forward-Looking Infrared) camera, or thermal imaging camera,
depends on various factors, including the specific model of the camera, the
environmental conditions, and the size and temperature difference of the objects
being observed. Thermal cameras work by detect infrared radiation emitted by
objects, which allows them to create thermal images based on temperature variations.

In general, FLIR cameras have a range of a few feet to several miles. However, it’s
important to note that the level of detail and accuracy of the thermal image may
decrease as the distance increases. Factors such as atmospheric conditions,
humidity, and the presence of obstructions can also affect the camera’s range and
image quality.

Higher-end FLIR cameras with advanced features and lenses may offer greater range
and image clarity compared to entry-level models. Some specialized FLIR cameras,
such as those used in aerial surveillance or military applications, can have
significantly longer ranges, reaching several miles or more.

Here are some examples of the maximum distances that different types of FLIR cameras
can see:

A FLIR MWIR camera with a 100mm lens can see objects at distances of up to 1 kilometer.

A FLIR LWIR camera with a 200mm lens can see objects at distances of up to 2

A FLIR thermal zoom camera with a 1000mm lens can see objects at distances of up to
10 kilometers.

It is important to note that these are just estimates and the actual distance that a
FLIR camera can see will vary depending on the specific conditions.

It’s always recommended to consult the specific specifications and user manual of a
FLIR camera to determine its effective range and capabilities for your intended
application. Additionally, environmental conditions and the size and temperature of
the objects being observed should be considered when assessing the effective range
of a FLIR camera in a particular scenario.

Thanks for visiting Blackview (The leader of rugged phones) blog.


RADAR and SONAR: A Primer for the Geophysically-Challenged

Mary MacKay and Stan Zisk

Remote sensing tools such as radar and sonar allow us to map topography and surficial characteristics of volcanoes and other geologic features in inaccessible (or cloud-covered) locations, including other planets and the seafloor. The following is a brief introduction and comparison of these two systems for those who have familiarity with one but not the other, or who sometimes use radar/sonar data but are a little hazy about where it comes from and what it really means.


The Energy

Figure 1. The electromagnetic spectrum, showing wavelengths for common radar bands and sonar.

Both radar and sonar are active systems; they provide a source of energy (electromagnetic and acoustic, respectively) to “illuminate” the terrain and can therefore operate both day and night. Energy returned from the terrain is detected by the system and recorded as imagery. Radar operates at much higher frequencies than does sonar (Fig. 1) and is used to image land areas above sea level (electromagnetic waves are strongly attenuated in water); the lower frequency sonar signal is transmitted through water and is used to image the seafloor.

At the surface being imaged, energy is scattered when there is a sharp change in the propagation of the wave due to a change in the intrinsic properties of the material through which the wave is moving (e.g. from air/water to sediment/rock). Energy is generally scattered in all directions, but not uniformly; there is a very strong echo in the so-called “specular” direction (as in a smooth mirror reflector). The radar/sonar image is composed only of the “backscattered” energy that returns to the receiving array (antenna). The intensity of the backscatter return (and hence the “brightness” of the image) is a function of both the properties of the system and the characteristics of the terrain. By convention, strong backscatter in radar is shown bright (as is GLORIA sonar), whereas in SeaMARC sonar (and its successor, HMR-1) strong backscatter is dark.

The Earth

The terrain attributes that affect the intensity of the backscatter return are texture or roughness, and inherent reflectivity of the surface. For radar, inherent reflectivity of the surface is controlled by the dielectric constant (the property that governs electromagnetic wave propagation). Similarly for sonar, the response to wave propagation is governed by the acoustic impedance. Both the dielectric constant and acoustic impedance are functions of the physical properties of the material, including the porosity, pore fluids, grain composition, and structure. On land, even small amounts of water raise the dielectric constant so that to a first approximation, geologic materials all have about the same reflectivity and surface penetration is low (note that this is not true for desert areas or for planetary bodies such as the Moon that are completely dry). Thus, on earth, the most important terrain characteristic controlling radar/sonar signatures is usually surface roughness.


The Systems

Because backscatter is most strongly influenced by objects comparable in size to 1/2 the source wavelength or larger, the effect of surface roughness on the radar/sonar image is strongly dependent on wavelength. Radar waves travel through air at the speed of light (~3.0×108 m/s) and sonar waves travel through water at the speed of sound (~1.5×103 m/s). Because of the relationship between velocity, frequency, and wavelength, the higher frequency radar and lower frequency sonar waves have similar wavelengths (Fig. 1). The surficial characteristics that they respond to are therefore in the same general range of 1 to 100 cm .

In addition to wavelength, two other system properties that affect the backscatter response to surface roughness are angle of incidence (measured from the vertical) and polarization. A rough surface produces strong, nearly uniform, backscatter, regardless of incidence angle. In contrast, backscatter returns from smooth surfaces are very angle-dependent; smooth surfaces tend to have very strong backscatter returns at low incidence angles (near vertical), but little or no return at higher angles (Fig. 2). Shorter wavelengths will show less sensitivity to angle than will longer wavelengths because the same surface looks smoother to the longer wavelength system. For radar images, polarization will also affect backscatter intensity (note that sonar uses acoustic compressional waves, which have no polarization attribute; water can not transmit shear waves).

Figure 2. Beam width and resolution in the azimuth direction, Ra, for real-aperture side-looking radar (SLR) and side scan sonar (distances shown are for aircraft radar).


Side-looking Radar/Sonar

The simplest form of both radar and sonar sends out a single narrow beam and records the signal strength and travel time (which gives the distance to the target area). More sophisticated radar and sonar systems for large scale (swath) mapping project a narrow fan-shaped beam thereby illuminating a swath parallel to, and off to the side of, the instrument. This is called side-looking radar (SLR) or side-scan sonar (such as SeaMARC II, or HMR-1). The map is produced as the instrument travels along a line of flight (or shiptrack), sweeping its illuminated swath along the surface beneath it.


Synthetic Aperture Radar

Resolution in side-looking radar/sonar systems is limited by practical restrictions on the length of antennas. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) overcomes this limitation by creating a synthetic “antenna” of (potentially) unlimited length, thereby narrowing the beamwidth and increasing resolution. SAR is the most commonly used system in radar imagery, but requires an extremely stable platform (in fact resolution is primarily limited by our ability to correct for motion of the instrument). There are sonar equivalents to synthetic aperture radar in the early stages of development. The problem is that the tracking stability required by synthetic aperture imaging systems is difficult to achieve in the ocean, particularly for the much longer time intervals necessary to record the returning signal.

Figure 3. Models of surface roughness and return intensity for a smooth surface (a) and a rough surface (b). Although depicted as originating at a point in “a” and “b”, the backscattered energy is averaged over the ground resolution area. Return intensity as a function of incidence angle is shown in c.




For most volcanic areas on earth, surface roughness is the predominant geologic factor influencing brightness of the backscatter image; the source wavelength and angle of incidence control the resulting radar/sonar signature. The biggest difference between the two systems is the 2×105 difference in velocity and thus time necessary to receive the returning energy. Both are useful for studying/differentiating surfaces that are rough on the 1 to 200 cm scale.

reprinted from the Hawaii Center for Volcanology Newsletter, Volume 2, Number 1, December 1994

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Dear Mr. Denijs,

Virginia State Police



Mr. Denijs,

A friend of mine that was in the military explained to me what Tim and Kim Holtz have been using to injure me in my home.

I want to make sure they are both prosecuted to the fullest extent for attempted murder by using an energy weapon on me in my home 24 hours a day for 19 years.

Charlene Renee Treakle


Dear Mr. Denijs,

Virginia State Police



Mr. Denijs,

A friend of mine that was in the military explained to me what Tim and Kim Holtz have been using to injure me in my home.

I want to make sure they are both prosecuted to the fullest extent for attempted murder by using an energy weapon on me in my home 24 hours a day for 19 years.

Charlene Renee Treakle


Charlene-Call-transcription_ court-June-10-24.html

You  have  reached  Mecklenburg  County.  If  you  know  your  party’s  four -digit  extension,  you  may  dial  it  at  any  time.  Our  office  hours  are  8 .30  a .m.  to  5 .00  p .m.  Monday  through  Friday.  If  this  is  an  emergency,

 please  hang  up  and  dial  911.  Please  listen  to  the  following  four -digit  extensions  once  you  hear  the  department  you  need.  You  may  dial  the  extension  at  that  time.  To  reach  6 -4 -1 -1.

 General  District  Court  or  Traffic  Court,  6 -2 -6 -0.  One  moment,  please.  You  have  reached  Mecklenburg  County  General  District  Court,

 our  office  hours  on  Monday  through  Friday,  8 .30  to  4 .30.  If  you  know  your  party’s  extension,  you  may  dial  it  at  any  time.  If  you  For  calling  regarding  a  summons  you  received,

 please  have  a  copy  of  your  summons  in  front  of  you  before  using  the  automated  system  information  or  speaking  with  a  deputy  clerk.  Information  on  the  summons  will  be  helpful  in  assisting  you.

 If  an  offense  is  prepayable  and  you  do  not  wish  to  contest  the  charges  against  you,  you  are  encouraged  to  prepay  your  summons  at  www .vacourt .gov.

 For  the  mailing  address  press  1.  For  methods  of  payments  press  2.  For  traffic  signs  press  3.  For  directions  press  5.  To  repeat  this  message  press  9.

 Speak  with  a  deputy  clerk.  Dial  extension  4300.  If  you  have  one  moment  please.  Yes,

 my  name  is  Sholene  Renee  Tricol  and  I  have  a  court  date  for  June  the  11th  tomorrow.

 Also  I  took  a  no  trespassing  warrant,  well  a  trespassing  warrant  for  two  people.  It  is  Tim  Holts  and  Kim  Holts  because  they’ve  been  constantly  trespassing  so  I’m  wondering  what  day  is  that  going  to  be  heard?

 Well  let  me  start  from  the  beginning  you  said  so  you  said  they  have  court  tomorrow  and  you  asking  any  questions  about  your  court  date  tomorrow?  No  ma ‘am  I’m  telling  you  I  have  to  be  in  court  tomorrow  on  warrants  that  they  took  on  me  but  I  took  a  trust  pass  and  weren’t  on  both  of  them  because  they  will  not  stay  out  of  my  yard  and  because  I  went  out  and  told  them  to  get  out  of  my  yard  they  have  taken  warrants  on

 me  so  I’m  thinking  it  but  they  both  should  be  heard  on  the  same  day  but  I  do  know  that  in  the  past  they  were  not  served  their  warrants  back  in  2019  when  a  girl  hadtaken  warrants  on  Kim  Holtz  and  she  was  never  served  her  papers  to  come  to  court.

 So,  I  need  to  make  sure  that  Tim  and  Kim  Holtz  have  been  served  their  warrant  for  trespassing.  And  if  so,  I  need  to  know  what  day  that’s  going  to  be  because  I  need  to  be  there  because  I  took  the  warrant.

 And  you  said  it  was  Kim  Holtz?  Yes,  Kim  and  Tim,  Tim  Holtz  H -O -L -T -Z  and  you  said  your  last  name  is  starting  with  a  T, right?  My  last  name  is  Tricol  T -R -E -A -K -L -E  And  first  name?  Charlene  C -H -A -R -L -E -N -E  And  so  if  you  if  they  serve  warmth  on  you  it  should  have  been  served  with  you  for  a  court  date  on  your  behalf  Okay,

 wait  a  minute  wait  just  a  minute  okay  now  this  has  nothing  to  do  with  me  the  question  I’m  asking  because  I’m  coming  tomorrow  my  court  date  has  already  been  set  but  I  don’t  see  a  court  date  for  them  and  nobody  has  brought  me  anything  saying  that  their  trespass  and  charge  that  I  took  on  them  is  has  even  been  served  so  I  need  Your  question  in  the  beginning  was  if  the  warrant  that  they  put  out  to  you  was  ever  a

 court  date  and  that’s  what  I  was  looking  up.  Now  you’re  asking  about  the  service?  Oh,  okay,  so  what  they  did  to  me  is  supposed  to  be  heard  tomorrow  at  10  30  a .m.

 yeah  okay  now  I  took  no  trespass  I  took  trespassing  once  on  them  because  they  did  this  to  me  but  they  were  in  my  yard  they  were  in  my  yard  and  they’re  saying  that  I’m  cussing  them  slander  three  warrants  okay  but  they  did  all  this  to  me  in  my  yard  so  I  took  trust  passing  warrants  on  them  when  is  their  court  date  because  I  need  to  prove  be  there  to  prove  how  they  trust  passed  on  my  property  I’ve  got  pictures  of

 them  saying  if  you  have  court  tomorrow  that’s  your  court  date  and  I  see  that  you  have  two  tomorrow  that  you  took  out  two  for  slander  and  libel  one  for  Kim  one  for  Tim  and  then  you  have  another  for  Tim  for  abusive  language  I  don’t  see  any  trespassing  for  tomorrow  okay  they  trust  passed  on  my  property  and  it  needs  to  be  set  for  the  same  day  that  is  not  mine  if  you  took  that  out  then  you  I  don’t  see  any  trust

-passing  charges  that  you  took  out  from  them.  Okay.  Well…  When  did  you  file  that?  It  was  on…  Let’s  see.

 The  date  was  May  the  20th  and  they  did  this  on  from  March  the  16th  and  March  the  24th.  And  hers  was  on  May  the  5th.

 I  took  both  of  these  warrants  on  May  the  20th,  and  so  if  they  have  not  been  served  Then  I  am  going  to  make  sure  that  the  judge  knows  that  this  is  the  second  time  that  they  will  not  serve  their  warrant  and  I  do  want  to  let  you  know  he  is  a  policeman  so  they’re  getting  out  of  even  getting  the  warrant  served  on  him.

 I  still  don’t  see  it  trespassing.  I  looked  up  both  Kim  and  Tim  right  well  Tim  wasn’t  served  for  the  abusive  language  for  the  court  date  tomorrow  and  Oh,

 he  wasn’t  Not  that  I  see  And  The  neither  was  Kim,  But  like  I  said,  I  don’t  see  any  trust  pass  and  charges  for  neither  one  of  them.

 Where  did  you  file  this  paperwork  for  the  trust  passion  one  on  May  20th?  In  Boyton  over  at  the,  at  the  old  jail.  So  if  they  haven’t  been  served,

 uh,  the  same  papers  I  served  I  was  served  and  they’re  probably  not  going  to  show  up  tomorrow  for  court  and  I’m  ready  for  court  I’m  ready  to  go.  Well  you  can  still  be  here  tomorrow  they  just  will  probably  continue  it  until  they’re  served  and  if  you  have  an  updated  address  because  it  looks  like  that  they  keep  getting  served  to  Are  you  giving  them  the  address  their  address  is  433  Huston  Street  Yeah  Let  me  I’m  gonna  put

 you  on  hold  one  second,  and  I’m  gonna  pull  the  case  to  see  if  it  just  maybe  hasn’t  been  updated  in  the  system  Okay  [MUSIC  PLAYING]  Okay,

 it  has  been  served  it  was  posted  on  the  front  door  just  wasn’t  scanned  in  so  it’s  been  posted.  Okay,  so  their  Passing  warrants  have  been  served  on  them.

 I  I’ve  told  you  I  don’t  have  a  trust -passing  one  I  don’t  know  I  took  the  trust  passing  on  him  and  her  both  So  I  know  that  I  don’t  unless  when  you  came  to  the  magistrate  or  came  before  the  judge  They  may  not  have  thought  it  like  that  or  maybe  the  officer  that  you  did  it  with  did  not  file  like  that  But  there  are  no  trust  passing  charges  against  them  It’s  only  slander  and  libel  and  an  abusive  language  to  another.

 There  are  no  trespassing  charges.  Okay,  well…  Now  when  you  present  your  evidence  or  your  side  of  the  story,  it  may  change.  I  don’t  know,  but  there  are  no  trespassing  charges.

 Okay,  well  now  I’ve  already  taken  the  warrant.  Ma ‘am,  I’ve  already  taken  the  warrant.  And  they  should  have  been  served  their  warrant.  Just  like  They  took  warrants  on  me  and  they’ve  been  served  on  me  now.

 Why  haven’t  their  warrants  been  served  on  them?  And  where  do  you  which  warrant  was  served  on  you  what  I’m  confused  with?

 Okay,  the  only  ones  you  see  the  only  ones  you  see  and  right  now  is  what  they  took  on  me  Yeah,  I  took  lander  and  lobbing.

 yeah  yeah  yeah  yeah  yeah  okay  so  they  took  that  on  me  it’s  showing  up  but  the  trust  pass  and  they  were  in  my  yard  okay  I  get  that  okay  now  they  will  not  stay  out  of  my  yard  either  they  just  keep  on  and  keep  on  so  trust  pass  and  warrants  on  both  of  them  and  they  will  not  stay  out  of  my  yard  and  now  you’re  telling  me  they  haven’t  been  served  their  their  trespassing  warrants  no  I’m  telling  you  they  have  been

 served  on  your  charges  that  are  coming  tomorrow  I  do  not  see  the  trespassing  charge  do  you  have  a  case  number  no  but  I  have  a  copy  of  the  warrant  because  I  got  a  copy  of  the  warrant  that  day.

 Okay  and  when  you’re  looking  at  it  do  you  see  any  number  that  is  like  an  OTN  number?  What  court  date  is  your  trespassing  date?  It’s  tomorrow.

 No  I  don’t  have  a  trespassing.  I  never  trespassed  on  anybody’s  property  but  they  trespassed  on  mine.  I  get  that.  You  put,

 you  filed  they  want,  but  what  date  is  that?  I  have  a  copy  of  what  I  wrote.  It  does  not  have  a  date  on  it  because  it  has  not  been  served  on  them.

 It  needs  to  be  served.  Okay.  I  do  not  see  any  trespassing  ones,  but  I  do  know  that  the  ones  that  you  have  coming  up  tomorrow  against  you  have  been  served  on  them.

 So  if  you  file  a  warrant  against  them  for  trespassing,  it  should  have  been  served  Well,  if  it  should  have  been  then  why  aren’t  you  seeing  it  for  tomorrow  for  court?

 I  I  have  no  idea  unless  It  hasn’t  been  but  if  you  said  this  happened  in  May  I  Don’t  know  but  let  me  let  me  double  check  right  hold  on  one  second.

 It  was  taken  on  on  May  20th.  Alright,

 so  I  asked  the  criminal  clerk  that  you  had  a  trespassing  charge,  but  it  has  been  thrown  out.  Oh,

 so,  how  has  it  been  thrown  out?  I  don’t  know  the  Commonwealth  threw  it  out.  Okay.  I  wouldn’t  have  had  a  trespass  in  charge,  because…

 The  one  that  you  filed,  I  understand  that.  The  one  that  you  filed.  Okay,  so  how  can  the  Commonwealth  throw  out  the  trespass  in  charge  when  they  were  never  served?  I  don’t  know,

 But  it  has  been  quashed  and  that  means  it  was  thrown  out.  That’s  why  you  don’t  have  a  court  date  and  that’s  why  I  can’t  see  it  But  okay.  Well,  I  am  asking  I  am  asking  the  court  to  quash  the  warrants  that  they  took  on  me  and  The  reason  being  is  because  they  were  in  my  yard.

 They  have  constantly  harassed  me  They  will  not  stay  out  of  my  yard.  They  have  cut  trees  in  my  yard,  and  now  they  have  lied  and  took  these  warrants  on  me.

 Well,  that  would  be  something  that  you  talk  to  the  judge  about  tomorrow.  I  can  give  you  the  number  to  Commonwealth  Attorney,  and  you  can  ask  them.  It  was  not  a  court  date,  so  I  have  no  idea.  Okay.

 I  need  the  Commonwealth  Attorney’s  office  number,  please.  Four,  three,  four,  seven,  three,  eight,  six,  Mm -hmm.  6191.  Okay.  Thank  you.

 No  problem.  Thank  you.  Bye.  Bye.


Dear Virginia State Bar,

This is my complaint:

Virginia: In The General District Court of Mecklenburg County CommonWealth Of Virginia


Charlene Renee Treakle            GC1900737-00

Order Of Nolle Prosequi

Came this day, the Commonwealth, on its motion to nolle prosequi the following matter: GC19000737-00. In support of this order, the victim told the Commonwealth that she alleged the incorrect person. The Court deeming appropriate to do so, does hereby ORDER that this charge be nolle prosequi.

Entered 1-29-2019.          Judges Signature

I ask for this:

R. Allen Nash

Commonwealth’s Attorney


Bernice Russell, was a victim of a horrific crime by my neighbor, Kim Holtz. Kim Holtz was never served her warrant for her crimes against Bernice Russell in fact the warrant was falsified once it reached the Commonwealth Attorneys office. Putting my name on the warrant, “Charlene Renee Treakle” and Kim Holtz’s address. Bernice Russell’s warrant explained that Kim Holtz’s Husband was a policeman and that police car set in the yard of the house where Kim Holtz lives, Kim Holtz’s white car also parked at that address had chased Bernice down the road, stalked her at her home, and at her work place, and harassed her while getting lunch in town because Kim Holtz was having an affair with Bernice Russell’s husband.

Once, the warrant for Stalking and Fear of Life was taken by Bernice Russell with Kim Holtz’s name and correct address, the Commonwealth Attorney threw the warrant out before it was ever served on Kim Holtz. The Commonwealth Attorney then served purgery charges against Bernice Russell for Claiming that Kim Holtz had commited this crime against her. Bernice Russell’s outcome of purgery can be viewed on the Virginia Courts website.

I, Charlene Renee Treakle have a transcribed phone call with the General District Court on June 10, 2024.

In the conversation I asked the Clerk Of The Court if Tim and Kim Holtz had been served their Trespassing warrants for repeatedly coming in my yard? The Clerk told me that the Commonwealth Attorney threw the warrants out and the Holtz’s were never served their warrants.

Today, I am making a complaint against Allen R  Nash the Commonwealth Attorney of Mecklenburg County, Virginia for not prosecuting three criminal warrants on two known criminals!

In Charlotte County, Virginia. Kim Holtz and her husband Tim Holtz were caught with radiar detectors in their vehicles and several speeding tickets.

Surly there is a criminal history in Petersburg, Virginia, New Jersey and New York where the Holtz’s once lived.

I ask that these criminals be served their warrants from 2019-2024 that the Commonwealth Attorney Allen R. Nash threw out. I also ask that Allen R. Nash be repremanded for refusing to prosecuting the three warrants he threw out against Tim and Kim Holtz.

As of today, They are still trespassing on my property, I have pictures of Kim Holtz spraying RoundUp weed killer on my new trees that were planted last month. I bought 5 trees at $100.00 a piece. I also, have pictures of Tim Holtz in my yard since we went to court on June 11, 2024.

What do you believe Allen R. Nash will do about my trees when I take a warrant on Kim Holtz for destroying my property? My trees are dying from their RoundUp that they continue to spray!

How many other warrants has Allen R. Nash thrown out for Criminals in Mecklenburg County, Virginia?

I am complaining that Allen R. Nash tried to prosecuted the wrong person, “Charlene Renee Treakle” and failed to prosecute two Trespassing cases and one Stalking, & Fear of Life, as a favor for Kim and Tim Holtz.

An investigation on Allen R. Nash and the Holtz’s is long past due!

Sincere To Expose This Corruption,

Charlene Renee Treakle

R. Allen Nash

Commonwealth’s Attorney

Physical Address View Map

393 Washington Street

Boydton, VA 23917

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 7

Boydton, VA 23917



Posted in Breaking News

About the Author
Stew Webb served in the United States Marine Corps and was Honorable Discharge. Stew was a Realtor-General Contractor-Home Builder until 3 car crashes in 2010-2011 (attempted murders see picture my Van on concrete barrier below Breaking News column) and is now disabled. Stew turned Federal Whistle blower - Activist of 39 years and has been a guest on over 4,000 Radio and TV Programs since September 18, 1991 and now has his own Radio Network .Stew was responsible for the Congressional Investigations and Hearings that lead to the Appointment of Independent Prosecutor Arlin Adams in the 1989 HUD Hearings, the Silverado Savings and Loan Hearings Neil Bush Director, the Denver International Airport Frauds Hearings, the MDC Holdings, Inc. (MDC-NYSE) Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering Colorado’s biggest case aka Keating 5 Hearings and the information provided that lead to the 2008 Illegal Bank Bailout. Stew was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 to silence his exposure by Leonard Millman his former in law with illegal charges of threatening harassing telephone calls charges which were dismissed with prejudice. Leonard Millman, George HW Bush, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Neil Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Larry Mizel, Phil Winn, Norman Brownstein, John McCain and Mitt Romney to name a few are all partners in what is known as the Bush - Millman - Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate. Leonard Millman (Deceased 2004) was member of the "Illuminati Council of 13". Larry Mizel is now in control of this Organized Crime Syndicate RICO. I have contributed to the following books: * “Defrauding America”, by Rodney Stitch * "Drugging America", by Rodney Stitch * “The Mafia, CIA and George Bush” by Pete Brewton * “The Oklahoma City Bombing Power of Politics”, by David Hoffman * “Bushwacked” by Uri Dowbenko * “Silverado Savings and Loan” by Steve Wilmsen * “Drugging America” by Rodney Stitch * I was instrumental in brokering a deal that has lead to Al Martin’s new book “The Conspirators”, I have known Al since 1991, when I had to hide from the FBI who tried to jail me for exposing,“The Bush Crime Family-Denver Connection-King Pin Leonard Millman”, my former-father-in-law. @@@@@ (Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed, Please copy and paste the link below into your browser to contribute today thank you Stew Webb. Contributions by mail: Stew Webb Phone: 785-213-0160)


Contact Stew Webb


I Stew Webb have contributed to the following Books

Current Radio Programs

Charlene Renee More Breaking News 2100 Show

Stew Webb Whistle blower Chronicles Video

October 25, 2010 Attempted murder of Stew Webb by 2 goons working for FBI JTFG Joint Task Force Group Kansas City, Missouri, Click on the picture to see additional information and pictures.

I am on social security disability because of 3 car crashes,  2 were attempted murder of me.

Click on the picture below and read the Private Investigators report Grandview, Missouri Police covered up for the FBI with a false report.  This broke every vertebra in my neck.–Stew Webb

Attempted Murder of Stew Webb

Grandview, Missouri Police Obstruct Justice and tried to Cover up the car crash by FBI Stooges and Killers.

SEE: PROOF (Exhibits 1-22)

Stew Webb December 3, 2023 my story how I became a US Whistle blower

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Chatty Gargoyle at Denver International Airport

Larry Mizel and the Pro Jewish Mafia

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