Cast Of Characters The Mafia CIA and George Bush 

Stew Webb Contributor to this book: When the this book went to print Margie Sloan (named contributor) asked me if I wanted my name in it as a Contributor at the time I did not want to be known.--Stew Webb 


The Mafia, CIA and George Bush Pete Brewton 

(New York: S.P.I. Books, 1992) Shaposki Press

Simon and Shuster tried to keep this book off the market

WILLIAM MICHAEL "MIKE" ADKINSON, con man and good old boy from the Florida panhandle; built houses in Houston and sold arms with some Kuwaitis to Iraq; borrowed close to $200 million from a half-dozen dirty S&Ls; convicted for fraud in a $200 million S&L land deal in Florida and sentenced to 11 years in prison; associate of Robert Corson. 

ROBERT O. ANDERSON, former chairman of Atlantic Richfield ; land-owner with Walter Mischer; borrowed from Hill Financial Savings with Richard Rossmiller. 

GEORGE AUBIN, Kappa Sigma frat rat who named most of his companies after his fraternity; took E. F. Hutton for $48 million and several Texas S&Ls for more; always just hanging around Louisiana mobster Herman K. Beebe; one place he never hung around was the inside of a jail, despite vow by several FBI agents to put him there. 

FARHAD AZIMA, Iranian native close to Pahlavi family; Kansas city airline owner; board member and stockholder of Kansas City bank controlled by the mob; CIA asset protected by CIA from criminal prosecution. 

JAMES A. BAKER, III, White House chief of Staff, former Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State; former partner at Andrews & Kurth, which investigated Raymond Hill and Mainland Savings and then did nothing; longtime good friend of Raymond Hill. JOHN BALLIS, Beaumont dentist who moved to Houston and married a rich man's daughter; developer; associate of John Riddle; pleaded guilty to savings-and-loan fraud and turned state's evidence against Roy Dailey. 

BEN BARNES, former Texas lieutenant governor; business associate of Herman K. Beebe, Walter Mischer and John Connally. 

JIM BATH, Houston airplane company owner; CIA asset, front man for rich Saudis; associated with Reza Pahlavi, the Shah's son, and business partner with Lan Bentsen, the senator's son, and George W. Bush, the President's son; borrowed from Lamar Savings and Mainland Savings. 

CHARLES BAZARIAN, Oklahoma con man, convicted felon and associate of numerous S&L crooks and mobsters, including Morris Shenker, Mario Renda and Don Dixon. 

HERMAN K. BEEBE, SR., Louisian financier, convicted felon and Mafia associate; many connections to the intelligence community; godfather of the dirty Texas S&Ls; did nine months in Club Fed. 

JAKE BELIN, former head of the largest private landowner in Florida, St. Joe Paper Co., which is owned by the A. I. DuPont Trust; protegé of Ed Ball, right-wing fanatic [sic!] and most powerful man Florida has ever known; Belin liked doing business with fellow Florida redneck Mike Adkinson; he also liked the $80 million St. Joe got from Hill Financial Savings. 

LLOYD BENTSEN, senior Democratic senator from Texas ; an owner of three Texas S&Ls that later ended up in the hands of CIA or Mafia associates; close to Walter Mischer. 

FERNANDO BIRBRAGHER, convicted drug-money launderer at Marvin Warner's Great American Bank; got probation amid rumors of connections to a higher authority (CIA); helped Jack DeVoe launder his drug money; now building hush kits for DC-8s; bought Farhad Azima's interest in two DC-8s in Spain; business partner with Miguel Acosta, a former associate of Ron Martin. 

WILLIAM BLAKEMORE, Midland oilman and fierce Contra supporter; head of Gulf & Caribbean Foundation, set up to lobby Congress for aid to Contras; good friend of George Bush; his Iron Mountain ranch the site of paramilitary training and alleged transshipment of weapons. 

ROBERT BOBB and DOUGLAS CROCKER, Chicago businessmen who worked for Gouletas family; bought Bellamah Associates from Gouletases; had business dealings with Robert Corson, Larry Mizel's MDC Corp., Silverado Savings and Key Savings. 

RICHARD BRENNEKE, renegade intelligence operative and gun dealer; told press about Iran-Contra deals and S&L deals; worked for CIA, Israeli intelligence, Customs and others; acquitted of perjury charge for claiming to work for the CIA; laundered Mafia and CIA money with Robert Corson. 

NORMAN BROWNSTEIN, Denver attorney; "Mr. Fix-it"; worked with Kenneth Good, Bill Walters, Larry Mizel, Marvin Davis, Michael Milken, Burton Kanter, Neil Bush and the Gouletas family; good friend of Senator Ted Kennedy, who called him this country's one hundred and first senator. GEORGE H.W. BUSH, President of the United States . 

JOHN ELLIS "JEB" BUSH, the President's son; Contra supporter; business associate of Camilo Padreda, who escaped S&L conviction (with Guillermo Hernandez-Cartaya) with possible help from the CIA. 

NEIL BUSH, the President's son; director of Silverado Savings; partner with Bill Walters and Ken Good; friend of Walt Mischer, Jr. 

LEONARD CAPALDI, reputed Detroit Mafia associate; borrower at Mainland Savings and Hill Financial Savings. 

EULALIO FRANCISCO "FRANK" CASTRO, Cuban exile and Bay of Pigs veteran; CIA operative who helped train and supply Contras; part of drug-smuggling ring that bought Sunshine State Bank. 

JACK CHAPMAN, Omaha lawyer and former CIA operative, represented Mario Renda; took half a million in cash from CIA-connected Haitian, Clemard Joseph Charles, for Renda to bribe union officials. 

CLEMARD JOSEPH CHARLES, Haitian exile who laundered money for Mario Renda to bribe union officials; CIA asset; mob money launderer; associate of Miami lawyer who represented Lawrence Freeman. 

ROBERT CLARKE, former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency; lawyer with Houston firm Bracewell and Patterson; involved with Walter Mischer and Mischer's Allied Bank; associated with Louisiana bank connected to Herman K. Beebe; helped charter West Belt National Bank, where Mike Adkinson and E. Trine Starnes, Jr., were stockholders. 

JOHN CONNALLY, former Texas governor; Charles Keating worked on his 1980 Republican presidential race; he and his partner, Ben Barnes, borrowed tens of millions of dollars from dirty S&Ls. 

RAY CORONA, former head of "Mafia" bank â?? Sunshine State Bank in Miami, which he fronted for drug smugglers; convicted felon; borrower from Peoples Savings in Llano, Texas; associate of mobsters and CIA operatives, including Leonard Pelullo, Frank Castro, Guillermo Hernandez-Cartaya and Steve Samos. 

ROBERT L. CORSON, Houston good old boy and developer who owned Vision Banc Savings in Kingsville; Walter Mischer's former son-in-law; CIA mule; indicted along with Mike Adkinson for $200 million S&L land deal in Florida. 

ROY DAILEY, Robert Corson's first cousin; former business associate of Walter Mischer; convicted for fraud at First Savings of East Texas, which he owned with money borrowed from Herman K. Beebe. 

MARVIN DAVIS, Denver and Beverly Hills oil billionaire; neighbor of Norman Brownstein; did business with John Dick; his daughter was in the cookie business with Neil Bush's wife, Sharon. 

JACK DEVOE, convicted cocaine trafficker and CIA-connected arms smuggler; used Lawrence Freeman to launder money, which went to same trust in Isle of Jersey that was used by Robert Corson and Mike Adkinson; involved in drug-smuggling and money-laundering operation that included Fernando Birbragher and Marvin Warner's Great American Bank. 

JOHN DICK, who lives on a manor on the Isle of Jersey; Denver attorney by way of Russia and Canada; business partner with Silverado borrower Bill Walters; associate of Marvin Davis and Robert O. Anderson; borrowed from Hill Financial Savings; involved in Isle of Jersey trust company that was laundering drug money for Jack DeVoe and Lawrence Freeman and S&L money for Robert Corson and Mike Adkinson; sells wheat to the Russians; uses Youth for Christ as cover. 

DON DIXON, former head of Vernon Savings, which he bought with a little help from his friend Herman K. Beebe; associate of John Riddle. 

LAWRENCE FREEMAN, disbarred Miami attorney and convicted money launderer for cocaine smuggle Jack DeVoe; set up $200 million S&L land deal for Jake Belin and Mike Adkinson; former law partner of CIA super-operative Paul Helliwell and alleged money launderer for Mafia boss Santo Trafficante. 

BILLIE JEAN GARMAN, Robert Corson's mother and business partner; indicted along with her son in $200 million S&L land deal in Florida; first person publicly banned by feds from S&Ls. 

THOMAS GAUBERT, big Democratic fundraiser from Dallas ; former head of Independent American Savings; owned a piece of Sandia Federal Savings in Albuquerque ; head of Telecom. 

KENNETH GOOD, developer in Texas, Colorado and Florida; borrower at Silverado Savings and Jarrett Wood's Western Savings; helped set up Neil Bush in business. 

GOULETAS FAMILY â?? NICHOLAS, EVANGELINE GOULETAS-CAREY and VICTOR GOULET â?? condo developers from Chicago; have alleged organized crime ties; owned Imperial Savings in San Diego; sold Bellamah Associates to Robert Bobb and Douglas Crocker. 

JOSEPH GROSZ, Chicago mob associate; worked for Gouletas family; ran Southmark's San Jacinto Savings; director of Thomas Gaubert's Telecom. 

MARVIN HAASS, San Antonio contractor; co-owner of Peoples Savings in Llano, Texas ; associate of Morris Jaffe. 

JAMES HAGUE, former owner of Liberty Federal Savings, Leesvile, Louisiana, which lent to Morris Shenker; associate of George Aubin and John Riddle. 

STEFAN HALPER, co-founder with fellow George Bush supporter Harvey McLean of Palmer National Bank, which was financed by Herman K. Beebe and funneled private donations to the Contras; former son-in-law of past CIA deputy director Ray Cline; helped set up legal defense fund for Oliver North. J. 

B. HARALSON, former head of Mercury Savings and Ben Milan Savings, where he was fronting for his close associate George Aubin; old Surety Savings hand and managing officer of two other Texas S&Ls that later failed. 

RAYMOND SIDNEY RICHARD HARVEY, Isle of Jersey money manager; handled drug money for Jack DeVoe and Lawrence Freeman and S&L money for Mike Adkinson and Robert Corson; associate of John Dick. 

GUILLERMO HERNANDEZ-CARTAYA[1], Cuban exile and Bay of Pigs veteran; convicted of fraud at Texas S&L he bought from Lloyd Bentsen's father; CIA and Mafia money launderer; protected by CIA from certain criminal charges. --- [1] Many hispanics are characters in this book. For those who are citizens of Spanish-speaking nations, the editors have maintained the Spanish accent marks in their names. For names of American hispanics, the accents have not been retained since for American usage they are customarily omitted. ---- 

RAYMOND HILL, Houston attorney and scion of old, rich Houston family; owner of Mainland Savings, which lent money to Mafia associates and CIA operatives; did business with Walter Mischer, "his mentor"; close friend of James A. Baker III. 

JERRY HOLLEY, Waco contractor; co-owner with Marvin Haass of Peoples Savings; convicted for perjury involving S&L. 

K. C. HOOD, Western Savings officer; convicted felon; associate of Herman K. Beebe; House Speaker Jim Wright rode in his plane. 

MONZER HOURANI, Lebanese native and Houston businessman; close friend of U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (Republican-Utah); did business with Robert Corson; borrowed from Lamar Savings and Mainland Savings. 

MORRIS and DOUG JAFFE, father-and-son businessmen from San Antonio , Morris is an associate of Marvin Haass and Carlos Marcello, the New Orleans Mafia boss. Doug borrowed from Ed McBirney's Sunbelt Savings and provided jet airplane noise-limitation equipment for Farhad Azima and others. BURTON KANTER, Chicago tax attorney and reputed organized crime associate; founded Castle Bank & Trust with CIA mastermind Paul Helliwell; close associate of Lawrence Freeman; his law firm set up trusts for Larry Mizel. 

CHARLES KEATING, S&L looter; spawned by Carl Lindner; worked on John Connally's 1980 presidential campaign; controlled Lincoln Savings (the first big deal Lincoln Savings did was with John Connally); Lincoln involved in daisy chain with Larry Mizel's M.D.C. Holdings, Silverado Savings and San Jacinto Savings (Joseph Grosz); lent more than $30 million to Father Ritter's Covenant House; his chief pilot in 1979 was CIA operative Ken Qualls. 

CARROLL KELLY, who epitomized his Kappa Sigma fraternity; owner of Continental Savings and associate of Herman K. Beebe ("I'm Beebe's man in Texas ," he bragged to S&L regulators). 

ADNAN KHASHOGGI, Saudi Arabian arms dealer, Iran-Contra middleman and borrower at Raymond Hill's Mainland Savings and Lamar Savings. 

ART LEISER, chief examiner for Texas S&L Department; discovered S&L daisy chains with Herman K. Beebe at center in 1983; challenged Guillermo Hernandez-Cartaya to a tennis match to try to get him out of Texas S&Ls. 

CARL LINDNER, Cincinnati conglomerateer; gave Charles Keating his start; associate of Michael Milken and Marvin Warner; business ties to Walter Mischer; owns Ocean Reef club on Key Largo where Jack DeVoe would bring in his cocaine from Columbia; Florida police report said Lindner would not be happy with DeVoe's income tax problems. 

JON LINDSAY, county judge of Harris County; top Republican figure in Houston; close friend of George Bush; helped Robert Corson get his savings and loan and got $10,000 campaign contribution from Corson. 

DONALD LUNA, convicted S&L looter and union pension fund scam artist; caught at Flushing Federal S&L with mobsters; worked loan brokerage deal with Herman K. Beebe, Ben Barnes and Richard Rossmiller. 

CARLOS MARCELLO, New Orleans Mafia boss, who also ruled over the Texas underworld; recently returned from a seven-year vacation at Club Fed; close associate of Santo Trafficante. 

RONALD J. MARTIN, Miami gun dealer who provided arms to the Contras for the CIA; alleged business partner with Robert Corson in a casino in Grand Canary Island . 

ED MCBIRNEY, "Fast Eddie" from Dallas ; former head of Sunbelt Savings; associate of Jarrett Woods and George Aubin. 

JOE MCDERMOTT, Houston developer; protegé of Walter Mischer; business partner of John Connally; borrower at Robert Corson's Vision Banc Savings. 

HARVEY MCLEAN, Shreveport, Louisiana, businessman and close associate of Herman K. Beebe; owned Paris (Texas) Savings and Loan; founded Palmer National Bank with Stefan Halper and Beebe's money. 

JOHN MECOM, SR. AND JR., Houston oilmen; Sr. organized a charitable foundation that laundered money for the CIA; Jr. allegedly associated with New Orleans mobsters. 

WALT MISCHER, JR., the son, tapped to take over his father's empire; friend of Neil Bush; Kappa Sigma president. 

WALTER M. MISCHER, SR., Houston developer, banker, power broker, who headed Allied Bank; Corson's former father-in-law; did business with the Mafia and the CIA; fourth largest landowner in Texas; owns 12 percent of Caribbean nation of Belize with partners; friend and fundraiser for LBJ, Lloyd Bentsen, Ronald Reagan and George Bush, among many others. 

LARRY MIZEL, Republican fundraiser and head of M.D.C. Holdings, a Denver homebuilder, which did more than $300 million of business with Silverado Savings and owned stock in the Gouletas family's Imperial Savings; used Burton Kanter's law firm for family trusts. 

JACK MODESETT, Houston real estate investor; headed company that did business with Howard Pulver and owned land in far west Texas by a guns-for-drugs landing strip (close to Walter Mischer's land). 

LLOYD MONROE, former Kansas City organized-crime strike force prosecutor; told to back off Farhad Azima because he had CIA-issued get-out-of-jail-free card. 

MURCHISON, CLINT, SR. AND JR., Dallas oilmen and wheeler-dealers; Clint Sr. was involved in business in Haiti with a CIA operative; Clint Jr. purchased Mischer's interest in sawmills in Honduras; Jr., was involved with a CIA operative in Libya and did business with Herman K. Beebe and Adnan Khashoggi. 

MARVIN NATHAN, Houston attorney who served on Carroll Kelly's Continental Savings' board; related by marriage to Robert Strauss; his law firm represented Robert Corson and Mike Adkinson; bought Texas ranch from the family of late Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, which had purchased it from one of George Bush's best friends. 

WILL NORTHROP, Israeli army officer and military intelligence operative; worked in Central America with CIA; associate of Richard Brenneke; indicted with Adnan Khashoggi's attorney in scheme to sell arms to Iran ; said Robert Corson "rode the CIA mule in with the Republican party."

LEONARD PELULLO, Philadelphia Mafia associate; borrower at Ray Corona's Sunshine State Bank; indicted in Ohio S&L scam with a member of the Herman K. Beebe circle; tried to buy an Atlantic City casino from another S&L looter; charged with fraud at American Savings in California. 

ALBERT PREVOT, Houston and Louisiana businessman; associate of Herman K. Beebe and borrower at Mainland Savings and Continental Savings. 

HOWARD PULVER, Long Island apartment syndicator who got money from Mainland Savings and Sandia Federal Savings; did business with mob associate Seymour Lazar; neighbor of Martin Schwimmer. 

WAYNE REEDER, California developer; associate of Herman K. Beebe; borrower at Silverado Savings; his CIA-connected associate tried to make guns for the Contras on an Indian reservation. 

MARIO RENDA, Long Island money broker with Martin Schwimmer, convicted felon and Mafia associate with a number of CIA buddies. 

JOHN C. RIDDLE, a University of Texas Kappa Sigma who tried to emulate his fraternity brother George Aubin; Houston lawyer, developer, banker and title-company owner; close associate of Robert Corson; borrowed several hundred million dollars from Texas S&Ls that later failed. 

JOHN B. ROBERTS, San Antonio developer who owned Summit Savings in Dallas and Commerce Savings in San Antonio; associate of George Aubin, Jarrett Woods and Adnan Khashoggi; convicted felon. 

VICTOR J. ROGERS II, scion of Beaumont's Rogers family, which owned Texas State Optical; former law partner of John Riddle; former co-owner of an Austin savings and loan; former officer of Caesar's Palace casino in Las Vegas; his uncles were the third largest stockholders of Caesar's Palace; two uncles served as directors of a Beaumont S&L that lent money to Harvey McLean on his Palmer National Bank stock. 

RICHARD ROSSMILLER, Denver developer, Herman K. Beebe associate and borrower at Hill Financial Savings; alleged to be the largest debtor to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in the country; John Dick's neighbor. 

HEINRICH RUPP, Denver gold dealer and CIA operative; convicted of bank fraud with mobsters; associate of Richard Brenneke. 

JOE RUSSO, noted Houston developer; good friend of George Bush and Lloyd Bentsen; owned Ameriway Savings; big borrower at five failed S&Ls; minority owner of United Press International; Kappa Sigma. 

STEVE SAMOS, convicted drug trafficker; helped Ray Corona set up Sunshine State Bank for drug smugglers; helped set up companies that funneled money and weapons to the Contras. 

KENNETH SCHNITZER, noted Houston developer; business associate of Walter Mischer; owned BancPlus Savings; allegedly associated with mobsters. 

MARTIN SCHWIMMER, convicted Long Island money broker with Mario Renda; Ph.D. and author; Mafia money launderer; neighbor of Howard Pulver. 

BARRY SEAL, murdered drug smuggler, gun runner, DEA informant and CIA asset; used by CIA on drug sting of Sandinistas; had owned C-123K used to resupply the Contras; caught in 1972 guns-for-drugs operation with Cuban exiles in Mexico that included a Texas rancher, a Gambino family associate and Herman K. Beebe. 

MORRIS SHENKER, deceased mob lawyer and casino owner; several of his properties ended up in the hands of Southmark, a Dallas real estate firm that was a mob dumping ground and owner of San Jacinto Savings. 

REBECCA SIMS, former accountant for Robert Corson turned free-lance investigator and journalist. 

ELLISON TRINE STARNES, JR., Houston con man and son of famous evangelist; borrower at Mischer's Allied Bank; second largest borrower at Silverado Savings ($77 million); associate of John Riddle; borrowed more than $27 million from Carroll Kelly's Continental Savings; one of the biggest private donors to the Contras. 

ROBERT STRAUSS, Dallas attorney; U.S. Ambassador to Moscow and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee; friend of George Bush and former business partner with James A. Baker III; he and his son, Richard, were involved in a number of failed Texas S&Ls, including Lamar and Gibraltar 

SANTO TRAFFICANTE, the late Tampa Mafia boss; worked with CIA to try to assassinate Fidel Castro; involved in narcotics trafficking in Southeast Asia with CIA operatives; close to Carlos Marcello; one of his money launderers was Lawrence Freeman. 

JACK TROTTER, Houston investor and close associate of Walter Mischer; headed Lloyd Bentsen's trust; business partner of Jim Bath. 

BILL WALTERS, Denver developer; borrower at Silverado Savings; helped set up Neil Bush in business; associate of Richard Rossmiller and John Dick. 

MARVIN WARNER, native Alabaman who was involved in a number of failed S&Ls in Ohio and Florida; former U.S. ambassador to Switzerland; former chairman of Great American Bank and American Savings of Florida; convicted of S&L fraud in Ohio; had business ties to Robert Corson. 

STEPHEN CASS WEILAND, Robert Corson's attorney; former chief counsel to Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations; expert on narcotics trafficking, money laundering and offshore banks; makes cameo appearance in Oliver North's notebooks regarding a White House project in Belize. 

JARRETT WOODS, former head of Western Savings; childhood buddy and close associate of George Aubin; sentenced to 25 years in jail for S&L fraud. Western bank failures largest in city's history

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