Operation: OPEN LETTER StewWebb.com

Operation: OPEN LETTER StewWebb.com
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Your mission if you choose to accept it is to submit your question/comment to the US Military.
If you had the chance to speak directly to the United States Military what would you say? With an ever-increasing amount of domestic issues this country faces we looked to those who have sworn an oath to protect and defend against enemies foreign and domestic. The number of domestic issues this country faces has never been higher. The future of this REPUBLIC is at risk.
What questions do you have? What concerns you as a citizen of this great country? Now is your chance to ask those questions and address your grievances.
Submit up to two paragraphs addressed directly to the United States military.
No subject is off-limits and no need to hold back.
Your name does not need to be attached.
If you want answers then ask your questions!
Deadline for all submissions will July 4th 2021.
The questions will be posted on StewWebb.com and a PDF file will be created for distribution over the internet to the US Military.
Send to: Contact@StewWebb.com
Thank you and God bless America
Contributions by mail:
Stew Webb
PO Box 472
Oak Grove, MO 64075
Your kind and generous contributions are much appreciated and needed thank you Stew Webb.
(Please Copy and Paste this link to Contribute today)