Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned
The Coming Exposure, Containment and Deconstruction of the Illuminati
by Preston James
Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913. These super-elite Deviants were given incredible power and authority in exchange for enacting the evil Agenda of this Alien ET group best described as Cosmic Parasites. This group of super-elite Deviants is best referred to as the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) AKA the “Illuminati”.
If you are not aware of the background information and evidence that is available about this ongoing Secret Space War, you are probably wasting your time reading this and it won’t fit into your mind.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) has done their best to keep you from knowing about Secret Space War matters. There has been a long term energetic effort to keep this information from “We the People” as well as anyone including the High Military Command who does not have what they define as an “absolute need to know”.
Recently during the last several years Majestic-12 (AKA MAJIC), the Secret Group that has maintained authority over all Alien ET matters since it was created by President Truman in 1947, has apparently voted to allow public disclosure.
The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) is comprised of a Working Alliance between the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS). This Ruling Crime Cabal/Coalition is best described as the Illuminati because that is what they call themselves and prefer to be called by Insiders.
This RCC gained power in three major Coup d’ Etats, the first in 1913 with the illegal, Unconstitutional passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the second with the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the third with the deployment of a Gladio-style, False-Flag Inside-job Nuclear Attack on America on 9/11/01. It was during this time that Israel used nuclear blackmail to coerce the US Administration and top USG officials to allow the creation of Homeland Security (DHS).
The creation of Israeli-controlled Homeland security (DHS) provided an illegal, Unconstitutional consolidation of all American Alphabets, Law Enforcement and most Intel into one large, easy to control Israeli occupying Police State Army inside America.
This article will claim that the “Worm has Turned” at a very high level and the RCC is now being contained, dis-empowered and deconstructed piece by piece due to an interesting convergence of various forces and entities including the US High Military Command. Because this article contains information leaked by insiders and as well as numerous speculations, use your own judgment to evaluate what is presented and come to your own conclusions.
Be aware that many good individuals have been seriously harassed, stalked, threatened and even murdered to bring you this kind of information because the Ruling Criminal Cabal (RCC) does not want you to have any of this information about Secret Space Wars or Alien Agenda matters. The reason? This will be explained in the article and is best summarized that full public disclosure will likely result in a major immediate loss of power for the RCC at every level and will create a complete disruption of the Alien Agenda they are working so hard to fulfill which is about as anti-American and anti-human as possible.
The Worm Has Turned
When Shakespeare used that simple phrase, “The worm has turned,” he knew his audience would understand its meaning and origin. A widely used expression even today, it indicates a reversal of fortune, but few who use it know why.
“Worm” is a common term for ‘Dragon.’ In fairy tale terms, the flying Dragon spewing fire would ravage fields and villages. To be in the dragon’s path resulted in inescapable destruction. What a relief if it changed directions.(1)
The most secret Agency of the US Government has apparently decided that Disclosure is now going to be allowed, despite the existing official, but secret USG policy against it.
New information has emerged. It now appears that even though the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) aka the Illuminati, has been against Alien ET Disclosure, the super secret organization called Majestic-12 has decided that Disclosure will be allowed.
The RCC is a working convergence of the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC the secret part of the CIA run by Bush1) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS the largest crime syndicate in the world which originated in the City of London, the Soviet Union and America, and now has it’s home base and center of world operations in Israel). The IZCS with the help of the BCC has hijacked most of the USG including Congress, the Judiciary and most Administrations and has done this through its espionage fronts inside America such as AIPAC, the ADL, Bnai Brith, the JDL and the like.
Apparently Majestic-12 has also decided that this Disclosure must be done in a controlled manner so as not to panic the populace or fracture the existing everyday social and economic order.
Disclosure will lead to the implementation of Populism, the implementation of Free Energy, and the end of the petroleum based economy, which would be the RCC’s biggest nightmare.
In contrast to the apparent new policy of Majestic-12 for full disclosure in orderly steps, strong efforts are still being made by the Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) to maintain this secret policy of no disclosure. These efforts to prevent disclosure are now doomed to failure, mostly due to the emerging worldwide populism that has spontaneously arisen as a byproduct of the Internet and its ability to communicate information at the speed of light. But there is another reason that Disclosure is imminent.
Free Energy Systems have been discovered and developed and are ready to be rolled out and will completely displace the Petroleum based energy systems which control the World.
Apparently Majestic-12 has decide that the time for the implementation of “Free Energy” is now here as long as it is implemented in an orderly manner. This is also know as “Zero Point Energy” or “Dark Energy” or “Cosmic Wind”. It is believed that Tesla discovered this and was able to harness it.
There have been previous anecdotal reports of one Alien ET group, the Tall Whites (aka Nordics) have been pushing for “full disclosure”. And there have been other anecdotal reports suggesting that another Alien ET group, known as the evil Reptoids (aka Dracos) are reputed to be serving as advisors to certain leaders of the RCC and are pushing hard to maintain complete secrecy and “non-disclosure”.
The RCC appears to be cornered from all sides with many vectors converging on them in addition to the rapid rate at which their crimes against Americans and the world are being exposed and communicated to the masses.
Certainly the RCC ‘s top Policy-Makers and Crime Kingpins (aka the Denver Circle of Twelve Bloodthirsty ones”) have a lot of power they would lose in a short period of time as full disclosure occurs and a non-petroleum based “Free Energy” system is rolled out. All the technology is already discovered and ready to go, and would have already been implemented except for the Petroleum Energy Cartels who established a stranglehold on the nations governments.
And now there is the notable emergence of the ever increasingly popular BRICS Development Bank which has a total of 170 nations who have either signed on or submitted letters of intent. This is a direct threat to the US Petro Dollar’s use as the World’s Reserve Currency and unless some unforeseen events occur, will probably eventually dethrone the US petro Dollar and reduce it to worthless paper.
It was the RCC that seized control over the official USG and much of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) after they assassinated JFK, MLK and RFK.
The RCC has attempted to take control over Majestic-12 but never fully succeeded thanks to the strong commitment of some of the members who have been High Military Command Officials and are known to be America-firsters with strong moral characters.
It is generally recognized that the financial horsepower for the RCC comes from the IZCS’s private control over the Federal Reserve System and its unlimited access to all the money it wants issued. Of course the Federal Reserve provides an elastic checkbook with no limits to Congress, as long as Congress allows them to pile up this phony debt and collect the interest from the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Taxes of We the People.
It is also generally recognized that the RCC’s ability to corrupt the US Department of Justice and any efforts in the USG to clean out corruption in the past has been completely thwarted by the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC)’s seizure and use of the American Intel System, much of that control provided by the BCC’s seizure of the Secret Shadow Government and it’s treaties with certain malignant parasitical Alien ETs for technology exchange (the Dracos).
And it is also known that the RCC used various level of human compromise and control ops which range from normal bribery with large sums of money in foreign numbered accounts, lavish perks such as huge honorariums from worthless speeches, revolving door jobs. But also a very dark sinister set of corrections and sanctions are sometimes delivered ranging from blackmail to termination by secret teams of “wetboys” and even sometimes mind-controlled female “monarch type” sex-slave assassins.
It was the alleged association between Prescott Bush (Sherff) and Tesla which gave the BCC the edge in hijacking the SSG. It has been alleged that Prescott Bush was Tesla’s secretary/manager and also betrayed him. And it is also known that Prescott Bush was later arrested and indicted for Treason with his Union bank Assets seized and the indictment was sealed with a signed agreement that no Bush(Scherff) successors could ever run for political office.
Inside sources have claimed that Sandy Berger stole this agreement from the National Security section of the National Archives. He was caught but little was done and this important document was not reported in the press. It is generally accepted that President Ronald Reagan was the last duly elected President. This means that all Congressional legislation passed and signed by any President after President Reagan left office is null and void!(2)
A traditional Split in Majestic-12.
It has been claimed by some insiders that there has been a traditional split in Majestic Twelve, the super-secret USG Agency that decides and controls all matters relating to Alien ETs, Alien Technology back-engineering and implementation, and Space War matters which are actually matters of serious National Security(3). It is believed by some insiders that some Majestic-12 members have been against Disclosure to “We the People” on the basis that it would be too traumatic and would result in the failure of major Institutions of the USG to keep functioning properly. But it is likely these opposers had a private agenda of their own to keep We the People oppressed.
It is believed by some that other members of Majestic-12 were in favor of it because they felt that the secret could no longer be contained anyway. It was also believed by some that the USG institutions were failing because of the hijacking of key USG and SSG Policy-Makers by a group of Alien ETs through their Cutouts and criminal Kingpins, thus violating conditions of their joint treaty with the USG.
It turns out that the first group of Aliens the USG signed a treaty with are controlled by evil, deceptive liars and Cosmic Parasites.
Some of the members of Majestic-12 began to believe that the Alien ET group a treaty had been signed with was intrinsically deceptive, evil and had an Alien Agenda behind it. But the USG entered into this first treaty made in the early 1950’s in order to acquire Alien ET technology. But they had to allow the Alien ETs access to humans for taking blood and tissue samples for genetic analysis and gene-splicing. Apparently their race was slowly dying of decrepit genes and they wanted to use human genes to re-engineer and repair their race and to gene-splice their own new race of trans-humans slaves for their god Lucifer.
Some members of Majestic-12 came to believe that this Alien Agenda was basically evil. And they somehow had learned that it consisted of an intent to Terra-Form the Earth, drastically reduce the Earth’s population by 90%, and repopulate the Earth with their own Alien ET species after repairing it along with a new gene-spliced creation of trans-human android/slavess created by them to worship and serve them.
Some have identified this Alien Force as the Dracos, the Reptilians, aka the Order of the Snake and they have their own race of android “Greys” servants that they created through gene-splicing . If reports that have leaked out are correct, these Dracos have been functioning for many centuries as a powerful Evil Cosmic Parasites, are inter-dimensional, are male, can assume the Flesh, and can breed with human women.
Some believe these Dracos (Reptoids) are fallen angels that sinned against God Almighty and in leaving their rightful abode to come to Earth to breed with human females, gave up their immortality as spirit being and became “the Fallen Ones” or the accursed ones awaiting final Judgment and destruction from God Almighty, Master Creator of the Universe. It is also believed that these Dracos hate Humans because of their impending Judgment and final destruction for leaving their rightful abode and breeding into the Human Race.
And it is believed by some that these Dracos have invaded Planet Earth and hijacked its structures of government by “raising up” and “anointing” certain bloodlines to serve their needs. In exchange these anointed “World Rulers” are given vast power, riches, status and wealth beyond imagination as long as they keep “feeding the monsters”. Some believe that the Dracos are actually inter-dimensional “Fallen Angels” aka the “Fallen Ones” whose main concern is to serve their god Lucifer and attain his agenda, which is what some Majestic-12 members believe is an Alien Agenda.
For those that think there is no such thing as Alien ETs or their anti-gravity craft, here is a very unique and quite convincing video of a man that has no reason to lie.
[youtube kZk_Sa3AO2E]
We need to stop feeding the Monsters that are operating as Cosmic Parasites upon us.
Feeding the monsters means supplying their negative energy needs by causing as much painful death and suffering in humans as possible. To do this wars are staged as mass human sacrifice rituals dedicated to these Dracos. And the top RCC leaders (aka the Denver Circle of Twelve) conducts semi-annual ritual sacrifices of children on Satanic Holidays to feed their monster overlords which are Cosmic Parasites according to insider reports. There have been insider reports that these Dracos are inter-dimensional spirit beings that are exceedingly evil and hate all humans and everything they stand for and have created.
It is also believed that these Dracos have lived for thousands of years and have been hard at work dominating and parasitizing Planet earth and humans off and on for many centuries, being driven out at times in the past through major corrections, planetary disasters of some kind of Cosmic Correction or major Judgment from God Almighty.
Some identify these bloodlines as Alien/Human hybrids (e.g. Nephilim Male X Human Female). Some call them the Kenites or the Bloodline of Cain who were given the power to rule over evil, folks who display the symbol of the Mark of Cain which is a double cross or “double-X”.
If this is true this would perhaps best be described as an Alien Parasite that invaded Planet Earth appointing, anointing, and empowering select human bloodlines which may or may not be hybridized with their blood, and appointing and anointing these folks to rule Planet Earth according to their Evil Alien Agenda.
As this narrative goes, the Dracos created “Mystery Babylon” which is their system of Babylonian Money-Magick and Luciferian Black-Magick, that is, creating money from nothing as “debt-notes” in order to transfer wealth from the masses to themselves through the creation and use of “pernicious usury” (debt that accrues in such a way that it can never be paid off). These Luciferian secret Black Magick Arts were shared only with a select group chosen from certain bloodlines, folks who were profiled to be somewhat easily corrupted, and who would be willing to sell their souls to Lucifer in exchange for unimaginable power, status, fame and riches.
By the way, not all the Alien ET races visiting Planet earth are believed to be so malignant like the Draco Cosmic Parasites. Some Insiders have said there are over 100 different Alien ET species visiting Planet Earth and few ever reveal themselves. Here is a KGB movie of actual small Greys some insiders consider to be androids or servants/serfs and a harmless little fellows, unlike the Tall Greys which are viewed by some as evil beasts and servants of the Dracos.
[youtube XswfEzKE0UQ]
And now for the deepest darkest secrets of the Alien Agenda.
There are Cosmic Rules of Play set in place by God Almighty the Master Creator. These Rules limit how the Dracos or any other Cosmic Parasites (AKA Fallen Angels or Fallen Ones) can operate. If they could the Dracos would just have landed publicly in the major cities, taken over by brute force, and would have fully enacted their anti-human Alien Agenda, and that would have been that. The Cosmic Rules of Play however prevent that and they must work through humans whom they have been able to steal their souls and then “possess”.
These Fallen Ones do this through offering up extremely desirable “rewards” such as massive power, status and prestige, wealth and all the earthly pleasures and trappings only the richest most successful humans can acquire.
But they must be willing to “sell their souls” to Lucifer that is, enter into a lifetime “blood contract” with Lucifer in order to receive these extreme rewards and perks denied to the common man.
I know, this all sounds so trite but there are many anecdotal reports from insiders about this actually occurring. Evidence that this is so can be found with the numerous recent public statements made by some of the top Rock Stars who act out the Illuminati rituals publicly. You will find these on where admissions are made.
So the bottom line is this, these Fallen ones cannot actuate and attain their Agenda for Planet Earth and humans unless they acquire and possess certain key human leaders.
They must always work through these vectors and if they cannot find folk weak in character that will sell their souls for mammon, well then they are driven backwards into the darkness they came from.
And thanks to folks like Stew Webb who inadvertently married into a “family” of the possessed for a while, we know who is actually the main human vectors now used to actuate the Draco Alien Agenda.(2) We know it is the Denver Circle of Twelve (thirteen at the “witching hour”) when their “Boss” visits them. And in addition it has been reported that they get helpful visits from their own personal spirit guide periodically.
The Master Game of the Alien Agenda.
The Alien Agenda “Master Game” is this, the Fallen Ones posses and control their Key Cutouts, known as Kingpins, and then these kingpins who have been able to climb the power/control hierarchy are then able to assert control over all subordinates. And they of course follow the will of their overlord. The method by which they are controlled is the “Carrot and the Stick”. If they do well for their Overlord (aka spirit guide) they get a big carrot (reward), if they fail or act ineffectively they get the Stick (suffer punishment and loss). If they fail too much they get a death sentence.
How to stop the systematic Rollout of the Alien Agenda.
So if we want to stop the incremental rollout of the Draco’s Alien Agenda, the solution is two fold. First expose them for what they are, Cosmic Parasites who have possessed, anointed and empowered some very evil, twisted top Leaders who have become criminal psychopaths and are Demon or DJin infested.
Resist Draconian mind-control, attitude-cloning and dumbing-down at every level.
The second solution is to resist their Agenda in mass, by refusing to consume their pornography, mind-numbing TV programming and a 100% commitment to live by the Golden Rule, not theirs but the Real One. Their Golden Rule is “Gold Rules”, that is, “He who has the Gold can buy everyone and anything He wants”.
The real Golden Rule is “Do unto you Neighbor as you would want Them to do unto You”. These ruling super-elite Deviants (Illuminati Kingpins, Cutouts and close subordinates) cannot live by this rule of “Do unto others” because it is no longer within their nature.
As soon as a critical mass is reached in society, Psi-Power takes over. This is the emergent mass populism or group mind that kicks in at many different levels to create enough social force, aka “Conscience-Collective” or Group-Mind/Group Consciousness to stop these Illuminati cold in their tracks at every level of society.
It was done by the Founding Fathers and can be done again. That is why the Illuminati have worked so hard to centralize and hijack Public Education and to Federalize everything, including Law Enforcement and the Alphabets by forming Homeland Security (DHS, an Israeli Military Police occupying force inside America).
If a Critical Mass Turning Point is reached, it will be curtains for the Illuminati’s hold on America and the rollout of the Draco’s Alien Agenda through their Circle of Twelve (Illuminati) Kingpins who will quickly become disposable Cutouts.
Reaching the critical Mass Turning Point occurs when too many Humans “wake up”.
Some social scientists believe that the critical mass occurs when 10% of the populace is awake to the endemic corruption now at every level within Federal and State governments due to the criminal syndicate, the RCC which is run by the Circle of twelve, AKA the Illuminati.
And when 10% is reached, which it already has, it is only a matter of time when the Illuminati control breaks down. Unless they are able to quickly impose a complete Police State like they did by installing Bolshevism in Russia in 1917 (which was responsible for over 100 million murders of the innocent Russians). Or like they did in China where they installed Mao’s version of Bolshevism (aka “Pure Illuminism”) and were was responsible for over 66 million mass-murders on their behalf.
Now the critical mass is actually 11% in America and moving towards the 12% mark. At 12% the turning point is reached and the Illuminati System of Mass Mind-Kontrol will no longer be supported by We the People”. It will quickly become unsupported and even psychologically attacked at every single level of American Society.
Yes, DHS is run by those who are enacting the notably anti-human Draco Agenda. I know this seems incredulous but it is true. Their goal? Turn America in GAZA II, the world largest open air prison camp and then proceed to tyrannize, terrorize, asset strip, disarm, intern in 750 FEMA Camps and then systematically mass-murder all American Goyim.
The Alien Agenda Goal to destroy all religions except theirs.
Of course the ultimate Goal of the Draco’s is to pit World Zionism against Christianity and destroy it, while pitting World Zionism against Islam and have them destroy each other. They intend to destroy all world religions except Illuminism, aka Luciferianism which will then be followed by destruction of all humans, creation of trans-human species to serve as their slaves. then they intend to complete their Terra-Forming of the Earth so they can repopulate it with the various species created by the Dracos in their joint deep underground Miltel labs with humans such as that at Dulce, NM.
Mystery Babylon and Babylonian Black Magick (aka the notably evil Luciferian Black Arts).
Insiders have traditionally referred to this system as Mystery Babylon or they simply us the code word “the Baby” to each other to represent it when around others who are not part of the RCC. This system, Mystery Babylon, has been owned and operated by a small select group of ultimate insiders who have called themselves the Illuminati or the “Enlightened Ones”, that is, enlightened by their god Lucifer whom they worship and feel empowered by. Soon Mystery Babylon is going to be a thing of the past.
The top leaders of the RCC are reputed to be Luciferians and part of a Worldwide Death Cult (an occult network using Freemasonry as a cover and front) and are also involved in a working arrangement and in association with the evil Alien ET group the Dracos. This association between the tall Greys and the occult was written about by Aleister Crowley who claimed a “Grey” walked through the wall of a pyramid he was inside of in Eqypt into his presence. There have been some reports that those in the Denver Circle of Twelve, the Top Illuminati all have personal Spirit Guides who appear to them during Blood sacrifice rituals and other times and are believed to be Dracos. Others believe these are simply Demons or DJinns.
The Top Leaders of the RCC appear to be recruited from known Bloodlines classically associated with Lucifer, some consider to be related to Cain (aka the Kenites).
If these key bloodlnes from which the top World Leaders are picked to be part of the RCC are the Kenites (progeny of Cain) as some claim, this would explain why they like to display the double-cross (Two X’s, with on placed on top of the other placed at 45 degrees sharing the same center, or two attached X’s, also called the “Double-Cross”). This double cross is called the “Mark of Cain” and symbolizes the Luciferian crossing out of the cross of Jesus Christ, known to be the Arch Enemy of the Denver Circle of Twelve.
Whenever you see it remember it is a symbol of Luciferian Authority and suggests that the person who displays it is part of the Draco’s Alien Agenda whether they know it or not. It is a Luciferian symbol of authority signifying the power of the Evil Illuminati Leaders ruling over a World filled with sinful, evil people.
The Agenda of these key bloodlines which have supposedly been selected and anointed by this evil Alien Group the Dracos has been kept secret from the masses. But it is notably Evil beyond imagination and involves sophisticated methodologies and technologies to “thin the herd” by “ministering death to the masses” all done to obtain and maintain extreme political and economic power over mankind. And all done supposedly to supposedly thin the human herd and purify and maintain the human race to the highest standards as obedient slaves of the Dracos.
Pure Evil beyond what most humans can imagine.
These key bloodlines selected by the Fallen Ones to recruit Kingpins and Cutouts from to run the world for them are thus protected by a Covenant between Lucifer and his minions which include various very evil Alien ET races, but his main controllers have been the Dracos and their stooges the greys.
These key bloodlines are thus protected by Lucifer and the Dracos and their subordinates. This Covenant of Evil has been suggested by some to be the origin of the Protocols of Sion (later changed to Protocols of Zion).
Are these protected bloodlines a different distinct race? Some say yes, they are the Kenites aka the genetic offspring of Cain who display the Mark of Cain as their Symbol of Power to each other. Of course there is the old Christian legend that Adam and Eve were seduced by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden, producing fraternal twins, one Cain fathered by Lucifer and the older Able fathered by Adam, both born at the same delivery.
If true this would certainly explain a great deal of the obsession the Illuminati have with creating painful mass-human death in the world today and their obsession with doing as much evil as possible rather than good. And it would perhaps explain their obsessions with creating all sorts of sexual perversions and filth at every level of society including within their own families. Obviously something is seriously wrong and incredibly evil with these alleged Luciferian Bloodlines and their selected leaders who become Kingpins and main Cutouts of Lucifer and his Dracos.
From time to time various UFO-ologists suggest that there is no real evil, just shades of gray and self-preservation by instinct. Not true, pure Evil is not a matter of moral relativity or situational ethics. When the Denver Circle of Twelve murder a little child as a ritual sacrifice and cut its heart out and eat it, creating incredible human panic and suffering, this is pure Evil against pure Innocence. When these Kingpins and Cutouts who sell their souls to Lucifer and sacrifice the World in pre-staged, engineered mass wars resulting in millions of painful human deaths and woundings especially in women and children) and incredible human suffering (aka Hard-kill), this is pure Evil.
When these Rulers of Evil come for anyone and sacrifice them to Lucifer or oppress them and torture them with engineered illness (aka soft-kill) that is now being deployed against us all, this is pure Evil and no-one on the receiving end should dispute that claim.
Of course what is evident about these evil abusers and mass-murders of Humans is that they are all cowards, and when personally cornered, beat, or tortured and treated the way they treat others as routine practice (which doesn’t happen too often but is now imminent if they persist in their Alien Agenda roll-out), they will cry like little babies and try to make deals to escape.
These deadly Luciferian parasites on humanity and Planet Earth are the epitome of violating the Cosmos Golden Rule of “Love your neighbor as yourself”, aka “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Obviously if they were instantly treated exactly the same way they treat others, their reign of terror would have been cut short, very short.
Their best move now in response to the spontaneous emergence of worldwide Populism that is going to specifically target them individually and as a group in America, would be to make a quiet exit, take their money, leave America and go into a quiet retirement in peace and avoid any more evil acts against humanity.
These Kingpins and Cutouts have suppressed the findings of Tesla and many others, and kept the World beaten down with constant wars and bare subsistence living for most, except for them whom live like kings. This evil must be eradicated from Planet earth. Fortunately that process has begun. But as this occurs let us all work together to speed it up by calling these Kingpins and Cutouts what they really are, Demon possessed Monsters that must be stripped of all power and brought to True Justice. They are a parasitical plague, a curse on mankind and Planet Earth and their demise cannot come soon enough.
Limited Disclosure has been occurring for over the last twenty years.
Over the last twenty years there has been substantial Disclosure through TV documentaries, books and weekend seminars and meetings. Nothing official however except for the honest truthful statements made by President Jimmy Carter who has a reputation for honesty and integrity, and some quite interesting comments by President Ronald Reagan.
Before Senator Barry Goldwater’s death he shared his experience with a journalist about his personal questioning General Curtis Lemay about Hanger 18 at Wright Patterson AFB while he was a Major General in the USAF Reserve. He was supposedly told by General Lemay that if he insisted he would be shown the actual Alien ET bodies and then learn the actual facts about Alien ETs, but that he would be very closely monitored every day the rest of his life. He concluded that it just wasn’t worth it and came away with the idea that Alien ETs were very real based on what General Lemay communicated to him when he advised him against insisting on learning too much about them.
Another Alien ET Group has become involved because the Dracos crossed a certain line.
There have been a number of Alien ET groups visiting Planet Earth. Most have been simple observers and desire to do no harm. However one group the Dracos using their specially gene-spliced hybrids a certain type of what some folks call the Greys, are exceedingly Evil parasites that view the Earth as theirs for the taking and the humans that inhabit it as their prey. There have been reports from respected insiders that some Dracos eat humans for a delicacy.
Apparently there are accepted Rules of Play in the Universe established by the Creator, God Almighty, and one is that any Alien ET group of the Fallen Ones cannot take over another group such as humans without obtaining their consent. And apparently there is another Rule of Play that the use of Fission, Fusion, or free energy (aka dark energy) cannot be allowed to get out of hand in waging war, and cannot be allowed to become a serious threat the existence of Planet Earth and perhaps other parts of the Universe.
Have the Tall Whites (Nordics) already began interfering in the evil Alien Agenda of the Dracos?
If this reality seems imminent it is believed by some insiders that the Tall Whites (Nordics) will intervene in various non-violent defensive ways to make sure this will not happen. It is believed by some insiders that they have already intervened at times are now working with certain sectors in US Intel to intercede against the RCC and the Dracos who control them.
The current narrative some insiders have been claiming to associates is that the Dracos have crossed a certain line by using their Illuminati Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) to distribute nuclear weapons all over the world. And to have been deploying them and setting them off in secret such as they did at the Bali bombing, the Murrah Building and the Twin Towers on 9/11/01. And that they did so as well in numerous other instances during the Mideast wars and even Vietnam which involved the use of micro and min-nukes and high tech neutron or special jacketed devices.(4)
The Tall Whites which some refer to as Nordics are claimed by some to be acting as a powerful counter-force to the Evil Dracos which are believed to be life and energy sucking cosmic parasites.
There Alien ET Group the Tall Whites Nordics) some view as benevolent and much milder manner than the Dracos, has now allegedly aligned itself with the Russian High Military Command and some elements in the US High Military Command and/or parts of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). They could be meeting directly with such Officials in group settings or influencing matters by working with single individuals unknown to the rest. At this time such information is not available so we can’t know for sure but some insiders have claimed that this group of Alien ETs are benevolent towards humans, in some cases can pass for them and believe that the human race is at the crossroads of history. And it is possible that a new separate treaty has been formed between the USG and the Tall Whites through Majestic-12, like the Russian federation has been reported to have recently made under Putin’s leadership.
Have the Tall Whites delivered a Final Warning to Majestic-12 and the top USG Policy-Makers?
It has been alleged that their view is that either the masses, especially We the People in America pull together, wake up, break the mind-kontrolled spell that has been conditioned upon us and take our government back from the RCC. If this is not done, apparently the Dracos will be able to forge ahead and activate their mass-death and destruction program based on deploying mass pestilence and limited nuclear war on the whole world which result in the mass-murder approximately 90% of the World’s population.
This narrative includes the notion that the Dracos cannot proceed without the continuing consent provided by We the People who are for the most part asleep at the wheel, but just starting to wake up in mass, thanks to the Internet which is the new Gutenberg Press. I cannot tell you for sure that this narrative is true other than there is some good evidence that it is based on numerous anecdotal reports from respected insiders.
An end to all secrecy seems imminent and is now well under way, and seems to be driven by the influence of the Tall Whites who some believe are generating world populism through the Internet.
Apparently the current situation is this. If reports are accurate, the Tall Whites are now working behind the lines to make sure that all secrecy ends and that the secret crimes of the RCC are fully exposed to the public via the Internet and word of mouth through information diffusion. It does seem quite interesting so many Deep Black Secret Shadow Government Secrets have been exposed lately and so many “thought to be secret” phone conversations and documents. There is every reason to believe this trend will continue and will speed up. I expect a complete end to all secrecy within two years at the rate this is occurring.
The RCC is cornered, desperate and perhaps may deploy more False-Flag terror on America.
Right now it appears that the RCC is cornered, desperate and may deploy additional nuclear false-flag attacks on America in order to attempt to re-establish their failing control system. This would probably be a final effort to re-establish complete authority in their system or control which is eroding daily, best described as “going for broke”.
Some believed they were going for broke with their nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01. Now that what they did to America on 9/11/01 has been discovered, perhaps they believe they must escalate matters by deploying even another, even more brazen, more deadly false-flag nuclear attack on America before too many Americans find out what they did on 9/11/01.
Will the RCC attempt to use Homeland Security (DHS) to lock down America and is this doomed to failure and blowback beyond their imagination?
If they do this it is expected they will attempt to use Homeland Security (DHS) to lock-down America and declare martial Law. This will create a serious battle between We the People and these Draco driven Luciferian Kingpins who run the RCC.
Has Majestic-12 attained space-weapon parity with the Dracos?
Has Majestic-12 actually developed new weapons systems which can for the first time provide a serious match against the Dracos should they continue with their Agenda to invade and populate the World, starting in Africa first? There have been some anecdotal reports of this and if so this would explain why there may have been a major policy change within Majestic-12 to favor complete disclosure and actually permit it and perhaps even facilitate it.
Has a major turning point occurred within the last month?
Three major events occurred within the last two months which suggest that “the worm has turned”. The first incident was the phone message left on Ambassador Lee Wanta’s Washington DC Embassy phone system by Former Tennessee Governor Don Sundquist and former South Dakota State Senator Sheldon R. Songstad.
Listen Here
This phone call threat to Wanta begs for indictments and prosecution for numerous Federal Crimes including RICO. If fully investigated and completely prosecuted, this matter could easily unravel the whole USG. These two individuals had allegedly previously stated they were the Puppet-Masters.(4)
The second incident was the recent announcement by US Attorney General Eric Holder that he was resigning. Were these two matters connected. Or was this recorded threat to lee Wanta just the final straw that broke the Camel’s back.
It was also recently ruled by a Federal judge that the Benghazi documents could no longer be withheld after November 1, 2014. Some believe that if the full documents are released by Holder’s office many top Administration folks (some former ones) will be politically ruined and some even prosecutable.
And the third recent major event. VT own Professor Jim Fetzer, VT Editor and his fellow researchers have completely cracked the Sandy Hook event which was a False-Flag attack on the Second Amendment and a FEMA/DHS Capstone Level Drill with No Dead Kids, No Dead Teachers, No Dead Lanzas and all faked, using paid shills and actors and a pre-prepared 50,000 word script.
It is likely going to be a very traumatic and difficult battle for We the People to expose, block, subdue and drive out the enemy within. there will be many major losses and a great battle ahead on many fronts. But we will be victorious.
It is now known that most of the murders of insiders who talked about the Alien ET treaties and joint programs, especially the horrendous anti-human Dulce NM programs were done by Alien ET/human hybrids or Nephilim/human progeny who can pass for humans. And it is also known that the US Military until recently couldn’t do anything about this.
And as we now know the RCC is little more than a big Alien ET (Draco) driven international Drug Cartel/money laundering enterprise now operating as an exceedingly Evil (beyond imagination) Parasite on America and most of the World dedicated to deploying mass painful death and destruction on mankind.
The RCC is empowered and driven by a powerful Cosmic Parasite, the Reptoids (Dracos) whose grasp on Planet Earth is now diminishing by the day, thanks to the establishment of a new Space Weapons parity and a little help from our current associates the Tall Whites (Nordics).
Due to the recent events and continued exposure of deep secrets of the RCC, it seem obvious that the Worm has Turned and the massive power of the RCC will be deconstructed piece by piece in the near future, no matter what they do to prevent it which will only create more direct blowback against them.
The RCC may resort to deploying their Samson Option and take out one or even several American Cities, however this would be their last act as the US Military High Command would most likely eradicate them in short order for this. It is known that Israel planted twenty-five nukes in various large American cities, storing them in their Embassies.
Israeli’s planted W-54 based nukes in the World trade Center twin Towers to demo them on 9/11/01 and mass-murdered 3,000 innocent victims on that day. This nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01 also created strange radiation caused cancers in over 70,000 first responders and NYC residents. It is believed that most of these Israeli “Samson Option” Nukes placed inside America are based on the 350 W-54 Pitts illegally acquired from Bush1 out the door at Pantex in Texas.
One key Congressman was given Billions to acquire Ukrainian S-19 and S-20 large megaton warheads when the Soviet Union fell, and instead of reprocessing them properly, sold them to Israel and distributed many millions of dollars to key Members of Congress who helped cover this up and continue to keep it covered up. This is of course Treason and is a Capital Offence. Because the payoffs involved Treason and major RICO Financial Fraud there is no statute of limitations.
Fortunately the NEST men (AKA Nuclear Snake-Eaters) are now on the job and inspecting every single Israeli diplomatic pouch or trunk. These men are the elite of the elite and are 100% dedicated. Fortunately we have such men working for all of us. And they are well aware of the new high tech shielding methods which block gamma rays and necessitate close inspections, and they are doing their best to stay on top of this ongoing RCC/Israeli “Samson Option” threat.
Of course it isn’t much of a stretch to figure out that the recent Ebola breakout in Liberia involves a USG Patented gene-spliced weaponized virus deployed by the IZCS, a successor to their use of Anthrax to encourage reluctant Members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Patriot Act. If you connect the dots and assume that Ebola is just another covert Samson Option now being deployed against Africa and America, and then the rest of the World to follow, you would probably be correct. We cannot not yet know just how virulent this will turn out to be. Perhaps it will burn out quickly, but it may also become the new “Black Plague”.
It is now generally recognized by top US Military Insiders that Israeli leader’s incredible hubris has resulted in serious, irreversible mistakes such as enacting the nuclear attack on America on 9/11/01, instituting the Sandy Hook FEMA/DHS Capstone Drill with no dead students, teachers or Lanzas, and their Apartheid and massacre of Palestinians. The blowback from these grotesque mass-murders will result in the divestiture of all nations from Israel and its isolation as an anti-human, war criminal and Pariah. Within ten years Israel will fall just like South Africa for its inhuman, Nephilim based Apartheid. Even Heinz Kissinger who is one of them said so recently.
And the Israeli leaders and super-elites know too and that is why they are trying to seize the Ukraine and establish it as a new Israel, planning to move all their people there. They have installed a puppet government in the Ukraine with the help of the US Department of State and are now mass-murdering Ukrainians who are resisting, including young women and children and even pregnant women.
Payback is slow, but thanks to the Internet severe judgment is now on the way and the whole world will extract justice from these IZCS war criminals and mass-murderers. And the BCC has gladly cooperated in all these efforts because they gain big profits from selling war materials. That too will come to an end and eventually justice will be done.
Disclaimer: Several members of the VT Editorial Board may have experience and security clearances associated with Secret Space War matters in a variety of capacities. Do not assume that this article in any way represents their views or opinions or is based on information provided by or associated with them. It does not. The actual sources for this article are not associated with VT.
Additional References about Secret Space War and the Alien Agenda:
This subject gets a bit negative. A little entertainment can help boost one’s mood. Here is some more quite rare raw music talent for those with the time and interest. Samantha Fish.
[youtube 27rMFX308GM]

Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.