Mass mask-wearing emboldens kidnappers
Now that amusement parks are closed and mask-wearing is common, pedo-ring operators are not afraid to steal your children in broad daylight from stores and parking lots. Joe Imbriano tells of attempted kidnappings in retail stores in Orange County, California. If this can happen there, it can happen in other counties.
Kidnappers work in a team of men or women, sometimes including another child to lure your child from inside the store to the parking lot. They may try to get you into an argument, to get you to a part of the store by yourself, to the back of the store, to near an emergency exit.
They may use several cars in their operation, so beware of large cars parked on both sides of your car. Check under your car when approaching it, as they may wait under your car for your return to grab your feet so you’d fall and they can grab your children. Make sure you park some place that’s within full view of the cameras, not the back or side of a building.
Parents need to have at least another adult with them when they go to the store with their children. Train your children never to answer the door, never to listen to a stranger, even if the stranger is a child asking them if they want to see a dog or some toy.
About 3,000 children a day are missing, but the media don’t report this, because the people who run the media are running the pedo rings, the porn operations. Some government officials and high levels of law enforcement are in on it. If your child has to attend a Zoom meeting for schooling, put a piece of tape over the computer camera, so that your child’s face won’t get on the “menu” for pedo rings. Try not to use Craigs List to hire a babysitter. Don’t hire a stranger as your handyman.