Frances Fragos Townsend CNN National Security Correspondent

Bush Clinton Crime Family Stooge

Breaking News March 8, 2013 

1rd degree Witch Fran Townsend aka Frances Fragos Townsend works for DHS and CIA in the closet Insane Lesbian

DHS CIA Terror in America:

CNN National Security Correspondent has worked for the Bush-Millman-Mizel-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate for years.

Before every Terrorist attack-Shooting Fran Townsend goes on CNN as a CNN National Security Correspondent.

CNN should now be classified as a Terrorist Organization.

If you see this Hillary Clinton Insane Lesbo Fran Townsend in public out this Domestic Enemy of America.

She is a mass Murderer and promotes Terrorism for Daddy Bush and Hillary Clinton.

2012 Hillary Clinton proposed the UN take Guns from Americans to disarm America for the New World Order

Is DHS-CIA Terrorist Daddy Bush’s Stooge Fran Townsend behind School Shootings?

By Stew Webb

Federal Whistleblower

Updated March 8, 2013

Bin Laden son in law arrested

Here comes some sort of Terrorist scheme plotted up and dreamed up by Evil Insane Lesbian Frances Fragos Townsend.

Townsend once again appeared on CNN every time this Bit-h appears on CNN terrorism breaks out on US Soil.

Updated December 31, 2012

Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff and Stew Webb Whistleblower-Activist Interview

Bush Shadow Government Player Gene Chip Tatum and the Denver Connections

Hillary Clinton Murders from Iran-Contra

AIPAC Americas Enemy within:



Military Sources Confirm Sandy Hook Suspected Foreign Terrorist Attack

Israeli death squads involved in Sandy Hook bloodbath:

Sandy Hook, Land of Black Honda Civics

The anomalies involving Sandy Hook are beyond count.

We have information from official sources that the US is

investigating Sandy Hook as a terrorist attack and has made at least 4 arrests.

Please Help Me Understand This One

1999 Daddy Bush and Denver Mossad CIA Terror in

America School Shootings

Updated December 16, 2012

Psyops Black Ops and Rip Offs

psychological operations in the United States

It can now be reported that Nancy Champion Lanza, the mother of the alleged Connecticut shooter, Adam Lanza, was a CIA P2 analyist working for the Defense Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

DARPA specializes in the use of simulated video internet games for the purpose of mind control and staging psyops.

Reference: DARPA is also linked to the monitoring and illegal misuse of the internet website Facebook (social chat box) in sending out graphic and subliminal messaging, not only for mind control, but command and control in order to stage their black ops on U.S. soil.

DARPA, the DHS, and CIA P2 clearly have the goal to destroy the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and bring about total Nazification of the United States of America.

The latest CIA P2, E-Systems Connecticut staged psyop was designed to scare the American People and create the underlying foundation for a "Martial Law" declaration in America before Christmas.

Click on link to read full report:



UPDATE: December 17, 2012

US struck with yet another shootout, 2 police officers killed in Kansas

UPDATE: December 17, 2012

Two wounded in theater shooting in San Antonio, Texas

Updated December 16, 2012

School Killings a Very Real “Sign of the Times”

Shooting Tragedy Time for Mourning and Intelligent Response

Click on link to read full report:

Updated December 16, 2012

Newtown: Two Movies, Two Mass Murders, and Questioning All the Facts. Torrid Political Implications are at Stake.

Update December 15, 2012 Police Recordings

Newtown Connecticut Sandy Hook School Shooting - Police & Fire Audio Scanner

Clackamas Oregon Town Center Mall Shooting - Police Audio Scanner Feed - December 11, 2012

Updated December 16, 2012 1999 Stew Webb Whistleblower CIA Terror in America must view:

1999 Daddy Bush's CIA E-systems Terror in America School Shootings

More Breaking News:

Your kind support is very much need to continue the Exposure against the Crime Syndicate:

Breaking News December 16, 2012

Gunman killed after injuring 2 civilians, cop in Alabama

Breaking News December 16, 2012

School Killings a Very Real “Sign of the Times”

Shooting Tragedy Time for Mourning and Intelligent Response

Breaking News Saturday December 15, 2012

Daddy Bush’s CIA Terror in America

Newtown, CT School shooting 28 dead

20 children

Bush_Chase_Down_streets_lynched.JPGHow many more Humans have to die before America will stop this Punk Daddy Bush?

Bush-Millman-Mizel-Clinton Organized Crime Syndicate is responsible for today’s Child Massacre.

hillary_clinton_lesbian3.jpgIn the name of the children we must all turn in our guns—Daddy Bush Stooge Witch Insane Lesbian Hillary Clinton

How much more will the American People allow to happen before this Punk Daddy Bush is brought to Justice?

Friday my internet access and Cable TV were interfered with until after 7pm others websites and internet access were also downed including Talk Show Host Peter Santilli the Newtown CT. School shootings I believe was the reason.

You ask why?

1.   I have stated every time Current CIA-DHS propagandist and Insane Hillary Clinton Lesbian and CNN National Security Correspondent Fran Townsend appears on CNN a Shooting happens within days.

2.   Watch the Video I made in 1999 Bush CIA Terror in America then you will understand what I know.

3.   Keep your Guns a reckoning is overdue. Alert next Satanic ritual date Dec 21 Denver Colorado's and Daddy Bush's Insane Killer DHS-CIA Fran Townsend (See below Dec 12 Oregon Shooting)


Dec 21 Denver the Next Satanic Ritual Murder


1999 Daddy Bush's CIA E-systems Terror in America School Shootings what the FBI did not want to know or hear

Former UN Ambassador Gordon Duff Editor Veterans Today Interview, 3 Hour Marathon with Stew Webb (video)

Re: Bush-Millman Denver Organized Crime Syndicate Espionage and theft of America

Your Donations are much needed and appreciated to continue the war on the Crime Syndicated Thank You:

Get your Guillotines sharpened more to come stay tuned..


Breaking News Wednesday December 12, 2012

Oregon Mall Shooting Hillary Clinton’s UN Gun Grab

Behind Every Terrorist attack and Shooting is

CIA-DHS Bush-Clinton Stooge Fran Townsend Insane Hillary Clinton Lesbian degree Witch Fran Townsend works for DHS and CIA in the closet Insane Lesbian

Days before all Planned Shooting is Bush-Clinton Stooge Frances Townsend appears on CNN

Ask CNN why they are involved in mass murders?

Click on link below to read report:


CIA Terror in America Video by Stew Webb reported to FBI in 1999 and FBI did nothing to stop these shootings

Click on link below to watch video:


Breaking News Monday December 10, 2012


Former UN Ambassador Gordon Duff Editor Veterans Today 3 Hour Marathon with Stew Webb Whistleblower/Activist

AIPAC Leonard Millman, Larry Mizel Daddy Bush Espionage

Click on link below to hear program:




Breaking News Thursday November 15, 2012

Benghazi-Gate Update Special Agent Fred Humphries in charge of the Ressam case out of Seattle.He's leafing through evidence in the downtown FBI office.FBI Special Agent Fred Humphries

UNITED States of America - It can now be reported that FBI agent, radical homosexual Frederick Humphries, who is being linked to FBI Division 5 informant Jill Kelley, was himself an FBI Division 5 provocateur who worked for years with known FBI Division 5 black op expert, the late and discredited Ted Gunderson.

Ted Gunderson.gif Bush-Clinton Crime Family stooge Frances Townsend patriot Paula Broadwell

Click on link below to read full report:


Breaking News Sunday October 21, 2012

Fran Townsend CNN National Security Correspondent

This week Fed Reserve NY and now Hair Salon shooter

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Stooge Lesbo Terrorist for Hire

“It” the Lesbo Bi_ch Fran Scripts attacks DHS-CIA National Security Hillary Clinton Lesbo Bi_ch

Every time this Lesbo Bit_h comes on CNN Terror or killings happen in America

Click on link to read about the terrorist Lesbo Bi_tch Dog:


Breaking News Thursday October 18, 2012 Updates

Possible Murder attempt on Bret Landrith

Stew Webb’s future attorney against

Illuminati Bankers-Fed Reserve who looted America

Gunshot victim found in Bret’s parking space in west Topeka later dies


Click on link below to read full report:


Breaking News Tuesday October 16, 2012

America’s Domestic Enemy Exposed

Homosexual Anderson Cooper of CNN News Promotes these lies of this witch

Terror in America Blame this Bitc_! Fran Townsend

CNN NEWS Promotes Terrorism

1rd degree Witch Fran Townsend works for DHS and CIA Hillary Clinton’s in the closet Insane Lesbian

Click on link below to read full report:


Breaking News Sunday September 23, 2012 Fran Townsend works for DHS and CIA in the closet Insane Lesbian

Most of the Islamic demonstrations taking place in the Middle East are Scripted

CNN Fran Townsend Liar and Killer DHS Stooge on CNN

Every time this Witch comes out of the woodwork terror breaks out in the world

Just watch CNN when she appeared then shootings for past 2 months on Satanic Holidays

Now the witch is promoting middle east Terror and Islam which are lies

The aforementioned banks are directly tied to the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and have been major beneficiaries of alleged Fed stimulus aka ponzi schemes.

We can now divulge that major Islamic foundations headquartered in the Middle East and the U.S., which have been financed by these aforementioned banks have been identified as the source for this money laundry.

The Holy Land Foundation has now been linked to the Islamic Brotherhood, alleged Al Qaeda (CIA data base), as well as noted drug traffickers in Colombia and Venezuela.

Most of the Islamic demonstrations taking place in the Middle East are being financed by these bank-owned Islamic foundations, with the Israeli Mossad and Saudi Intelligence Services being paid lavish commissions to script the chaos.

The goal is: To continue the chaos, keep oil prices high in order to prop up Saudi-owned Citibank derivative holdings.

We can now divulge that the online film maker Nakoula Basseley who spread this anti-Islam movie trailer has been a lifelong FBI informant and has had ties to the Department of Homeland Security and major foreign intelligence agencies.

CIA Terror In America by Stew Webb December 1999

1999 Stew Webb Discusses evidence on School Shootings and

George HW Bush E-Systems Dallas, TX behind the Terror In

America to take the Guns. (MK Ultra Shooters)

Stew Webb informed the Las Vegas FBI days before each shooting

yet they did not want the information.

Click on link below to watch video:

Breaking News Wednesday September 19, 2012

Does the below Video made in 1999 sound like the same

thing that has been going on for the past 2 months

Bush-Obama-Clinton Terror in America?

Daddy Bush with Baphomet Goat Headed Demon-Devil on his 33-99 Illuminati Mason cap

CIA Terror In America by Stew Webb December 1999

Stew Webb Discusses evidence on School Shootings and

George HW Bush E-Systems Dallas, TX behind

The Terror In America to take the Guns. (MK Ultra Shooters)

Stew Webb informed the Las Vegas FBI days before each shooting

yet they did not want the information after the 2nd shooting occurred.

Those who remember Stew Webb was on many Nationwide

Radio Programs giving updates of these shooting in advance.

Stew Webb Complied with 18 U.S.C. 4 the Federal Reporting Crime Act

Click on link below to watch video:

Stew Webb Videos are no longer for sale some are on the above link on youtube:

VIDEOS by Stew Webb.html.html

The Letters below were written by Daddy Bush’s Scumbag Stooge FBI #5 Patriot Plant Ted Gunderson who infiltrated Stew Webb and other Whistleblowers. Gunderson knew Stew Webb was in contact with Congressman Dan Burton and FBI SAC Grant Ashley of Las Vegas. Gunderson sent these letters without Stew Webb’s knowledge after Webb had told Gunderson things that were going on after Stew Webb appeared on the Lou Epton Radio Program in Las Vegas on several occasions. Gunderson then gave Webb a copy of these letters. This is how the infiltrators FBI #5 Bush Stooges do this to give credibility to themselves from Real Whistleblowers information. This is why there are Videos of Ted Gunderson interviewing several Whistleblowers from the 1990s floating around on Youtube.

Click on link below to read evidence of Gunderson spin dr. crap to get himself attention:

Ted Gunderson Letter to Dan Burton Dec 27 1999.jpg

Ted Gunderson Letter to FBI SAC Grant Ashley May 1 2000.jpg

Why was this Scumbag Ted Gunderson on FBI #5 payroll till his death infiltrating Whistleblowers you decide?

Click on link below to read evidence after evidence of Scumbag FBI Ted Gunderson:

Ted Gunderson.html


Breaking News Monday September 17, 2012

Violating Americans Rights

Is DHS Corrupt or full of Insane Lesbians who lost their Dildos?

Top NY Homeland Security Cop Sues Napolitano;

Alleges Obama DHS Officials’ Anti-Straight Discrimination,

Demands for Oral Sex – Janet-Napolitano Appointed Lesbian Girlfriend

janet_napolitano_american_traitor.jpgJanet Napolitano in the Closet Lesbian

Looks like the Department of Homeland Security could be renamed the Department of Hyper Sexuality

Dora_Schriro.jpgDHS Dora Schriro

Barr’s alleged acts include calling one man “in his hotel room and screaming at him that

she wanted his ‘c--k in the back of [her] throat.’ ”

EXCLUSIVE: Top NY Homeland Security Cop Sues Napolitano;

Alleges Obama DHS Officials’ Anti-Straight Discrimination,

Demands for Oral Sex – “J-No Appointed Lesbian Girlfriend,

ICE Chief of Staff Harassed Male Agents”

James_Hayes.jpgDHS Top Cop James Hayes

New York’s top Department of Homeland Security cop is suing Department of Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano in an explosive but heretofore unnoticed federal lawsuit alleging Homeland Security employment discrimination against straight male agents by Napolitano (READ the federal complaint) in favor of her lesbian girlfriend and sexual harassment of male agents by Napolitano’s handpicked Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Chief of Staff, Suzanne Barr. The lawsuit alleges that Barr demanded a male ICE Special Agent engage in oral sex with her and that she relocated three top male ICE agents’ offices to the men’s bathroom at ICE headquarters. All of the alleged misconduct was the behavior of Barack Obama’s hand-picked people running the Department of Homeland Security, who’ve created a hostile work environment for straight male agents, a story I recently broke on this site.

Napolitano-run dept. treated male staffers like lapdogs: suit

Looks like the Department of Homeland Security could be renamed the Department of Hyper Sexuality.

A blistering federal discrimination suit accuses agency honcho Janet Napolitano of turning the department into a female-run “frat house” where male staffers were banished to the bathrooms and routinely humiliated.

James Hayes Jr., who now is New York’s top Homeland Security cop, claims Napolitano filled top spots in Washington, D.C., with two of her gal pals who were bent on tormenting male employees.

The suit identified them as Dora Schriro, who is now running the city Department of Correction, and Suzanne Barr, the chief of staff for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano favored women pals for jobs: lawsuit

A veteran US law-enforcement official has filed a blockbuster discrimination lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, charging she pushed him aside to make way for a less-qualified woman who’s “enjoyed a long-standing relationship” with the anti-terror chief.

The court papers also allege that Suzanne Barr, Napolitano’s chief of staff at Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has engaged in “numerous” acts of “sexually offensive behavior” intended to “humiliate and intimidate male employees.

Barr’s alleged acts include calling one man “in his hotel room and screaming at him that she wanted his ‘c--k in the back of [her] throat.’ ”

The suit was filed by James T. Hayes Jr., special agent in charge of New York City investigations for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Read more:

Read more:

Read more:

Read more:

Breaking News Friday June 1, 2012

Some Punk pulled a Gun out and pointing

at Stew Webb saying I am going to kill

You Mother F____er. Townsend running CIA Hit Teams

Details cannot be released under investigation and witnesses.


Breaking News Monday May 28, 2012

One of the Nazis most repeated political slogans was Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer

“One People, One Nation, One Leader”

As financial worldwide turmoil continues to escalate the Obama Administration

has compiled an enemies list of patriotic American citizens (that know too much).

The current Administration is ready to target these patriotic citizens

with illegal arrests (without habeas corpus), illegal imprisonment in

FEMA concentration camps and out and out assassination on their own soil.

Click link below to read full report:


Breaking News Saturday May 12, 2012




On the charge of Crime of Torture and War Crimes, the tribunal finds the accused persons former U.S. President George W. Bush and his associates namely Richard Cheney, former U.S. Vice President, Donald Rumsfeld, former Defense Secretary, Alberto Gonzales, then Counsel to President Bush, David Addington, then General Counsel to the Vice-President, William Haynes II, then General Counsel to Secretary of Defense, Jay Bybee, then Assistant Attorney General, and John Choon Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney-General guilty as charged and convicted as war criminals for Torture and Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment of the Complainant War Crime Victims.

Click on link below to read full report:


Breaking News Friday May 11, 2012


THE BOGGIE MAN IS COMING WE THE GOV WILL SAVE YOU Fragos Townsend Department of Home Land Security Assassin

I find this very interesting that a False Flag attacks on US at same time War Crime Tribunal on Bush is happening

The same Witch Killer-Assassin Fran Townsend is promoting this false flag for Obama and Bush.

Obama False Flag Terror Promoter Fran Townsend CNN National Security Correspondent US GOV Assassin




Iran Contra Whistleblower Al Martin talked about how Fran Townsend

told him Clinton’s would pay him $300,00.00 to keep his mouth shut

about Clinton’s Iran Contra involvement before the 1992 election

and never paid Al Martin.




Most of the Islamic demonstrations taking place in the Middle East are Scripted

CNN Fran Townsend Liar and Killer DHS Stooge on CNN

Every time this Witch comes out of the woodwork terror breaks out in the world.

Just watch CNN when she appeared then shootings for past 2 months on Satanic Holidays

Now the witch is promoting middle east Terror and Islam which are lies

The aforementioned banks are directly tied to the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and have been major beneficiaries of alleged Fed stimulus aka ponzi schemes.

We can now divulge that major Islamic foundations headquartered in the Middle East and the U.S., which have been financed by these aforementioned banks have been identified as the source for this money laundry.

The Holy Land Foundation has now been linked to the Islamic Brotherhood, alleged Al Qaeda (CIA data base), as well as noted drug traffickers in Colombia and Venezuela.

Most of the Islamic demonstrations taking place in the Middle East are being financed by these bank-owned Islamic foundations, with the Israeli Mossad and Saudi Intelligence Services being paid lavish commissions to script the chaos.

The goal is: To continue the chaos, keep oil prices high in order to prop up Saudi-owned Citibank derivative holdings.

We can now divulge that the online film maker Nakoula Basseley who spread this anti-Islam movie trailer has been a lifelong FBI informant and has had ties to the Department of Homeland Security and major foreign intelligence agencies.



CIA Terror In America by Stew Webb December 1999

1999 Stew Webb Discusses evidence on School Shootings and

George HW Bush E-Systems Dallas, TX behind the Terror In

America to take the Guns. (MK Ultra Shooters)

Stew Webb informed the Las Vegas FBI days before each shooting

yet they did not want the information.

Click on link below to watch video: